Xav Verivax

Xav Verivax, a flamboyant captain of freighters and an occasional smuggler, resided within the Cularin system during the era preceding the Clone Wars. While Verivax had, at times, been associated with the local criminal Organization, he primarily operated as an independent agent.


Around 33 BBY, Xav Verivax made his home in the Cularin asteroid belt. He justified this choice by claiming a fondness for solitude. Having retired from military service, Verivax would undertake cargo runs within the system based on his own whims, seemingly unconcerned with financial necessities.

Verivax held the position of captain and was the only crew member of a uniquely modified freighter known as the Triple Trouble. He piloted this vessel with a remarkable, almost reckless, skill. Due to the passengers' susceptibility to shipsickness, the safety harnesses on the seats had been reinforced to an exceptional degree. Despite the Trouble's suitability for smuggling, featuring cleverly concealed compartments, Verivax only engaged in such activities on an infrequent basis.

In 32 BBY, Nirama, a local crime lord, engaged Verivax for a consulting assignment. This task involved instructing Nirama's mechanics and smugglers in the intricate techniques of concealing illicit goods within their ships. Though he relished the opportunity to showcase his exceptional abilities and impart knowledge to the younger generation, Nirama compensated him for his expertise. Furthermore, Nirama requested Verivax to transport some new recruits to the Darkside asteroid repair station, where they were to commence their duties.

Upon reaching Darkside, Verivax swiftly familiarized himself with the local entertainment establishments. Furthermore, he initiated a flirtatious pursuit of Dina Mertz, the chief tech officer, immediately after disembarking from his ship. It was only subsequently that he encountered his new students, the Trandoshan crew of the Laria Bexum. Verivax instructed them in the methods of smuggling certain prohibited items, which they executed by utilizing a sliding panel located in the ship's port. In comparison, Verivax concealed a quantity of spice intended for Nirama beneath the shield controls situated in the Trouble's bow.

Unbeknownst to Verivax, a rival criminal organization known as The Cell, who opposed Nirama, also concealed twenty thermal detonators, complete with a linking mechanism, within the same compartment. Fortunately, Verivax, driven by a desire to ensure the reliability of his methods, enlisted his previous passengers to conduct searches of both ships, with the objective of identifying any concealed contraband.

Verivax was present at the SoroSuub Anniversary celebration, 31 BBY in Tolea Biqua, where he engaged in conversations with several unmarried women. Subsequent reports indicated that more than one of these women contemplated marrying Verivax.

Personality and traits

Verivax possessed a striking appearance, characterized by his fair hair and deeply tanned complexion. His demeanor exuded a spirited confidence, and his eyes were notably expressive. He also projected an irritating sense of playful superiority, which, despite its annoyance, was generally tolerated by those around him. He had been challenged to several duels, and had never been defeated. His combat prowess was ruthlessly efficient, yet he promptly reverted to his characteristic manner following each encounter.

Verivax was often perceived as both vain and impetuous, yet his piloting skills were commensurate with his boasts. He was also known as a ladies' man, known for his claims of having experienced numerous interesting anecdotes in a Coruscant bar with three girls at the same time.

Xav Verivax was known to socialize with the elite members of society in Tolea Biqua or the platform cities of Cularin. He frequently engaged in outrageous behaviors, and even his closest associates struggled to comprehend him, yet none dared to challenge his authority.

Behind the scenes

At the time of the Living Force Campaign Guide's creation, Attack of the Clones had not yet been released, and it had not yet been established that the Republic did not maintain a standing military force. Consequently, most references to the Republic military within the Campaign Guide were later clarified to be allusions to the Thaereian military instead. Xav Verivax was described as having retired from the Republic military, which raised questions about his potential affiliation with Thaere. It remained plausible that he had indeed retired from the Thaereian military, or that he may have served in the private military of another system, or possibly with the Judicial Department.

At Gen Con Game Fair 2001, Sean Hanlin portrayed the character of Verivax.

In the MidWorld adventure, the player characters are tasked with searching Verivax's ship for pre-hidden contraband, where they could potentially discover explosives left behind by a third party. Should the player characters fail to locate the explosives, the Triple Trouble would be destroyed. This particular choice was included in the "Critical Event Summary" of the adventures, as part of an official RPGA poll, wherein the most frequently selected option would be designated as canon.

