The Cell

The Cell was a clandestine group operating within the Cularin system during the final years of the Galactic Republic. As a faction within Nirama's criminal Organization, their objective was to overthrow, supplant, and ultimately eliminate the incumbent crime lord. Their conviction stemmed from the belief that Nirama's profits were insufficient, largely attributed to his opposition to slavery, a stance deemed excessively lenient by many.


Within the criminal Organization governing the Cularin system, a secret conspiracy was brewing, known as The Cell. The purpose of this conspiracy was to get rid of Nirama, the leader of the Organization, and to reinstate practices that Nirama had forbidden, specifically involvement in the slave trade. Furthermore, they sought to cooperate with the Metatheran Cartel to establish a trade monopoly throughout the Cularin system.

While opposition to Nirama's policies had existed since his succession of Riboga the Hutt in 53 BBY, the Cell's formation occurred much later. In 31 BBY, they exploited the diversion created by the Metatheran Cartel's actions under Velin Wir to reallocate resources and engage with other influential entities within the system. However, Nirama became aware of these activities, discovering the presence of an organization calling itself "the Cell" within his Organization, dedicated to his removal.

Distrusting his own subordinates, Nirama sought external assistance to investigate the situation. These outsiders were recruited and assigned to work within the Organization's main asteroid base. A recruiter representing the Cell engaged in conversation with the newcomers, deeming them adequately ambitious for potential recruitment. Subsequently, the outsiders underwent questioning by the Cell's leadership, followed by skill assessments at Mokada's Place.

A contingent of Trandoshans within the Cell purportedly discovered that the new recruits were informants, and seeking exclusive recognition, attempted to eliminate them without informing the rest of the Cell. However, the recruits, being armed, successfully defended themselves. Nirama's guards promptly arrested the recruits, and as a form of punishment, they were reassigned to less desirable positions—a routine penalty that did not arouse suspicion regarding their allegiance to Nirama. To conceal their involvement in case the recruits had divulged information, the Cell's meeting locations were abandoned, and all members involved in the Mokada's Place testing were killed.

To conceal their identities, members of the Cell frequently donned hoods and dark attire. Even the majority of their leaders wore hoods when communicating with new recruits through a barrier of boxes. One of the Cell's leaders possessed Force-sensitive abilities.

Simultaneously, within the asteroid repair station Darkside, the local Cell members were considered insignificant and unworthy of Nirama's attention. One month later, Nirama's forces located the hiding places of the majority of the local leaders and eliminated them; they also discovered a datapad indicating that The Cell was attempting to recruit some of Nirama's former allies. Unaware that The Cell in Darkside had suffered a major setback, Nirama contacted his former employees a second time and requested them to conduct undercover work to locate the local Cell leaders. The surviving Cell members, who were struggling to recruit Kaarl the Ithorian and some Wookiees, were apprehended and sent to the public asteroid. Nirama interrogated them and obtained crucial information about other, more influential Cell members.

Subsequently, The Cell initiated a new operation at Rothe Gate, Nirama's primary weapons storage asteroid situated within the local belt. It became apparent that Ari Melast, one of Nirama's lieutenants, was orchestrating the entire scheme. Under her direction, the Cell reprogrammed Nirama's former protocol droid N3-A2, which contained valuable information in its memory banks. They also apprehended Nirama's trusted master of properties, Jobril the Twi'lek, removed his surgically-implanted loyalty chip (which he had requested himself), and deceived him into believing that he was still acting under Nirama's orders. They instructed Jobril to hire independent mercenaries who had previously worked for Nirama and transport them to Rothe Gate. There, N3-A2 was programmed to issue specific instructions to the agents. The agents were tasked with uncovering fabricated evidence linking Nirama's most loyal agents in Rothe Gate to The Cell. Not all of the Cell's members stationed at Rothe Gate were informed of this conspiracy.

Nirama learned that Jobril had been spotted at Rothe Gate and traveled there with his right-hand man, Len Markus. The Cell decided to expedite their plan and assassinate Nirama while he was within range. They replaced the security guards of Nirama's chambers with Cell members and awaited the opportune moment. They created a diversion by dispatching N3-A2 with an explosive device to eliminate the aforementioned mercenaries, although this plan failed, and the independent agents survived to meet with Nirama. While Nirama was interrogating them, The Cell launched their attack. Markus summoned reinforcements, and the mercenaries defended against The Cell until their arrival.

Following this significant setback, Nirama became aware of Melast's involvement and dispatched Markus to apprehend her.

Known members

Behind the scenes

The role-playing game adventure UnderWorld presents two possible outcomes: If the player characters ally with Nirama, he defeats a squad of Cell members and maintains his position as the crimelord of the system. Conversely, if the player characters choose not to assist him, the Cell captures, deposes, and ultimately executes Nirama, assuming control and expressing gratitude to the characters. The official RPGA teams were required to include this information in a "Critical Event Summary" submitted to the RPGA office, with the most prevalent response being considered canon. Although the survey results remain undisclosed, subsequent sources continue to depict Nirama as the crimelord of Cularin, thereby implicitly revealing the outcome.

