Located in the outer reaches of the Cularin asteroid belt, Rothe Gate functioned as a crucial asteroid and primary arms depot for the Organization, a criminal syndicate operating within the system. This facility, in 32 BBY, fell under the authority of the crimelord Nirama, who would occasionally make unscheduled appearances for what he termed a Central Administrative Review of mandatory aid.
The Rothe Gate installation housed a workforce consisting of hundreds of beings, who were typically observed to be quite occupied, working in rotating shifts. For rest, the personnel utilized compact "cubes," each offering a few square meters of personal space, furnished with a sleeping platform, a secure vault, and door security measures. The entryway of each cube displayed the name of its current occupant, first in Basic and subsequently in the individual's native tongue.
Within the confines of Rothe Gate, members of the Trandoshan species, like Gorssk, were often viewed as lacking ambition. This perception was not shared by Nala Noos, the Trandoshan head of The Office of Personnel for Rothe Gate.
In the year 32 BBY, The Cell, a splinter group within the Organization seeking to depose Nirama and seemingly led by his lieutenant Ari Melast, formulated a plot to undermine Nirama. Their strategy involved falsely implicating several of Nirama's most trusted Rothe Gate employees—specifically, inventory supervisors Cyria Dombasle and Maarten Haal, operations manager Plu Markeela, and security specialist Gal O'Wei—in activities with The Cell. To achieve this, The Cell fabricated evidence and manipulated two of Nirama's agents, properties master Jobril and protocol droid N3-A2, into enlisting and directing independent contractors who had previously served Nirama.
An unexpected visit from Nirama forced The Cell to alter their original scheme. They decided to attempt Nirama's assassination on the spot. As a diversion, they dispatched N3-A2, rigged with explosives, to eliminate the independent contractors, as they possessed too much compromising information. However, this plan failed, and the contractors managed to meet with Nirama and his trusted advisor, Len Markus. During this meeting, members of The Cell launched an attack on Nirama, but he survived thanks to the assistance of his companions. Nirama then uncovered Melast's involvement and tasked Markus with locating her.