Mokada's Place

Mokadasplace Mokada's Place was a dining establishment that could be found on Nirama's public asteroid.

The entrance to Mokada's Place featured a blue, armored door situated beneath a red archway, with the restaurant's name prominently displayed. Once this door was sealed, there existed no internal mechanism for reopening it. It's possible this modification was made by the Cell, however, Riboga, the Hutt, never seemed concerned with regulations regarding fire safety. The restaurant's interior was structured into three distinct levels, each separated by a height of 1.5 meters. A passageway extended from the rear of the second level, leading directly to the kitchen area. A safety railing bordered the third level. Positioned three meters above the third level was a balcony space that overlooked the entirety of the restaurant, possessing dimensions and structural integrity sufficient to accommodate hundreds of patrons.

Sometime around 31 BBY, the establishment had ceased operations, evidenced by the accumulation of refuse and the significant damage to its interior furnishings. The decaying structure was utilized on at least one occasion by the Cell as a location for evaluating prospective members. In this specific trial, the candidates were pitted against Bender, a young rancor, as a group, before undergoing individual skill assessments against members of the Cell.

Within days of these trials, Nirama's security forces apprehended this group of potential recruits, leading the Cell to abandon Mokada's Place. Shortly thereafter, Nirama's security personnel discovered Bender confined within the kitchen.

