Bender was a juvenile rancor under the ownership of the crime lord Nirama. Presented as a naming day present from Riboga the Hutt around 53 BBY, Bender's size was comparable to that of a Wookiee. His name was tattooed on his left shoulder, written in both Basic and Huttese. Nirama ensured Bender was well-fed, providing him with small animals and also allowing him the freedom to hunt for his own food.
In the year 31 BBY, a clandestine faction within Nirama's Organization, known as the Cell, secretly abducted Bender from his enclosure on Nirama's public asteroid. Several days later, they utilized him as a test to gauge the capabilities of a group of new employees who had recently begun their work on the asteroid. They released him upon them inside an abandoned restaurant named Mokada's Place. Unbeknownst to the Cell, these recruits were actually spies working for Nirama, who had previously overheard him mention the name "Bender". Recognizing the tattoos and deducing that Bender was merely attempting to play rather than hunt, the recruits successfully subdued the rancor without causing him harm, thereby impressing the Cell. Subsequently, after the spies completed their mission and were extracted, they informed Nirama of Bender's whereabouts. He promptly dispatched a squad to Mokada's, where they discovered Bender tied up in the kitchen. Bender's life came to an end in 19 BBY, when he was consumed by his father, Dinky.
The ultimate fate of Bender in the canon was determined through a voting process among the official TopWorld RPGA playing teams.