Jasper, a low-level offender in the Cularin system, spent a year attempting to become a member of Nirama's criminal organization, submitting three applications. However, he lacked the specific talents the crime lord sought. Eventually, his desire was fulfilled when he journeyed to the Cularin asteroid belt with a small group of other hopefuls, unaware that these individuals were actually undercover spies. Jasper's inclusion was merely a facade to legitimize the recruitment effort. Jobril, a subordinate of Nirama, piloted the transport that carried them all to Nirama's base.
Nervous, Jasper tried to appear unimpressed by his fellow recruits. Despite this, he still answered their questions regarding Nirama and his organization. When the transport was attacked, Jasper offered no assistance. Fortunately, the attack failed, and everyone on board remained unharmed.
Upon arrival at Nirama's public asteroid, the guards escorted Jasper to one room, while the other recruits were directed to a different location.
Because of his limited skills, Jasper was dispatched to Darkside, an asteroid-based repair facility located in the Cularin asteroid belt. There, he was contacted by local members of The Cell, a group seeking to overthrow Nirama. As they were the first to express interest in Jasper, offering him both belonging and purpose, he agreed to join and give his best effort. The Cell's local presence was not well-regarded on Darkside, often seen as a collection of juvenile troublemakers. Cells operating beyond Darkside were more influential, but Jasper lacked access to any details about them.
Despite working under the surviving Cell leaders Ahlya, Dor Balse, Kruss Gaal, Jarrilyn and Michael, Jasper was assigned only minor tasks, such as attempting to recruit local Wookiees. He struggled with this endeavor, even after inviting them to dinner on several occasions. During this period, Jasper also became acquainted with tales of the shadow lurkers and developed a fear of them, unaware that he was not in danger.
Jasper also made efforts to enlist more potential recruits during a payday, including the individuals he had traveled with when he joined the Organization. These individuals were actually Nirama's agents, working undercover to capture the local Cell leaders. Jasper's actions resulted in the capture of at least some of his friends, who were then interrogated by Nirama about other Cell members. They were eventually captured and taken to Nirama.
Within a month, his involvement with The Cell and his subsequent capture became public knowledge.
When initially recruited, Jasper possessed an exaggerated sense of self-importance, despite having only a slightly above-average knowledge of Nirama's criminal Organization and the ability to speak Shyriiwook. He had a tendency to verbally demean those around him, particularly when he was feeling anxious.
After joining the Organization and being sent to Darkside, he realized his own insignificance and became more modest. Upon being approached by The Cell, he developed a strong admiration for them, showing respect to his superiors. However, his poor performance failed to impress The Cell or anyone else on Darkside.
Jasper was susceptible to motion sickness and greatly disliked space travel.