The Blood Raptors functioned as a criminal organization that had a presence on both Tolea Biqua and Varna Biqua. Their distinctive attire included black synth-hide jackets, each bearing an image of a blood-red claw emblazoned on the back.
A mishap involving Teeloo, a Rodian, resulted in the accidental destruction of a Blood Raptor ship. Teeloo's approach trajectory to the Cularin system caused his ship to collide with the bow of the Raptors' vessel. Seeking vengeance, a group of seven Raptors, led by Scar Blenner, confiscated Teeloo's merchandise, subjected him to physical harm and public shame, and compelled him to participate in a race across Eskaron. Their intention was to seize his ship, the Neeva-Beelo, regardless of whether Teeloo won the race. The assault on Teeloo was interrupted by citizens who had nearly been struck by the Raptors' skiff moments earlier. Despite Teeloo's lack of piloting skill and the poor condition of his ship, these citizens generously offered their assistance. During the night, seven Raptors armed with grenades infiltrated Teeloo's docking bay with the aim of sabotaging the Neeva-Beelo to improve their own chances in the race. During the race, the Blood Raptor pilot, identified as Gael Kinner, took out one of Nirama's ships. Nirama's people, under the leadership of Len Markus, intervened in the Raptors' attempt to steal Teeloo's ship, escorting both the Raptors and Teeloo's crew to Nirama. Nirama subjected at least one of the Blood Raptors, presumably Kinner, to being devoured by a rancor at the Bollin Exotic Animal Emporium. Before departing, Markus advised Teeloo's allies to confiscate the Raptors' personal belongings and weapons, stating that the Raptors "would no longer have use for them."
Within the Living Force Campaign Guide, a criminal organization named the Blood Velkers is mentioned as operating on Tolea Biqua and Varna Biqua. It's possible that the Blood Velkers were a distinct group, or that the Raptors were, in fact, the same gang, with a name alteration between different publications potentially resulting from a typographical error.
The Blood Raptors that were depicted were consistently portrayed as Humans (appearing frequently in groups of seven, although some instances likely involved the same Raptors reappearing after escaping previous encounters). While this was undoubtedly done for ease of stat blocks, it gives the impression that the Blood Raptors may have been speciesism.