Dova Brigger was an independent merchant working within the Corellian system. She and her brother, Kal, piloted a customized YT-1300 light freighter called Hardwired, transporting various goods between Corellia and other planets. Dova dedicated the majority of her earnings to improving the ship's Hyperdrive. This allowed them to undertake increasingly extended voyages, eventually enabling them to easily transport cargo to the Core Worlds. Their cargo also evolved; initially, they dealt in consumer products, but they eventually transitioned to smuggling contraband, such as small arms and ammunition.
The HoloNet reported that Nirama, the head of the Smuggler's Confederacy of the Cularin System's, took notice of their activities. He provided them with funds to further enhance Hardwired. However, he extracted a promise that they would never collaborate with slavers; a pledge the siblings violated within a year. Consequently, Nirama placed a bounty on their lives. Dova was apprehended by a bounty hunter and subsequently executed by Nirama.
In 18 BBY, while repairing the vessel for Rej Taunt, a technician named Bammy Decree discovered the Hanx-Wargel SuperFlow IV Computer from the ship formerly known as Hardwired. He then created a summary of the craft's past owners by comparing the information stored in the flight computer against entries on the HoloNet.