Kal Brigger

Kal Brigger, a male Human from the Legends continuity, operated as a freelance merchant. He and his sister, Dova Brigger, acquired the YT-1300 light freighter Millennium Falcon, then known as YT 492727ZED, in 48 BBY. They renamed their newly acquired starship Hardwired and began smuggling goods between Corellia and other planets situated in the Core Worlds. This led to their involvement with the Smugglers' Confederation and its leader, Nirama, who placed a bounty on them after Kal violated an agreement to cease trading with slavers. After a bounty hunter apprehended Dova, Kal seized the Hardwired, renamed it Wayward Son, and began working for Iaco Stark, a former smuggler embroiled in an armed conflict with the Galactic Republic. Ultimately, Kal met his death on Troiken, where he was devoured by carnivorous insects within an abandoned spice mine.



During their careers, Kal Brigger and his sister, Dova, who were both freelance traders, were active in the enterprising sector. The Briggers discovered a YT-1300 light freighter in 48 BBY. Corell Industries owned the freighter but had declared bankruptcy as a result of the Trade Federation's monopoly over various businesses. The siblings acquired the starship, named it Hardwired, and intended to generate revenue by transporting goods between Corellia and other worlds. Kal successfully utilized the funds they made to enhance the ship's hyperdrive in the hopes of facilitating travel in the Corellian system, and he eventually used the hyperdrive to enable travel to other Core Worlds.

However, the Briggers' enterprise soon became unlawful, and they began to transport other goods, such as munitions, light arms, and slaves, rather than consumer goods. The Smugglers' Confederacy of the Cularin system and their leader, Nirama, took note of this illegal activity. Nirama, an Oblee crime lord who opposed slavery, struck a deal with Kal in the hopes that the Briggers would cease doing business with slavers. Nirama would lend them credits to improve the Hardwired in exchange for their compliance.

Kal and Dova broke the agreement after a standard year, which prompted Nirama to place a bounty on their heads. Dova was captured by a well-known bounty hunter, who Nirama then put to death, but Kal was able to get away. Kal renamed the Hardwired as Wayward Son and tried to get a job with Iaco Stark's Commercial Combine. Stark, a former smuggler who was in charge of a gang of pirates, bounty hunters, and assassins, became embroiled in an armed conflict with the Galactic Republic as a result of stolen bacta, which backfired on Kal. The Republic forces unleashed carnivorous insects against the smuggler on Troiken, and he was devoured by them while trapped in an abandoned spice mine.


The Wayward Son, Brigger's ship, was passed down to a number of owners, including Tobb Jadak, who was a member of the clandestine Republic Group; Bammy Decree, a mechanic who chronicled Brigger's ownership of the ship until his death while dating its history; and eventually Lando Calrissian and Han Solo, heroes of the Rebel Alliance, with whom the ship became well-known under its new name, the Millennium Falcon.

Personality and traits

Kal Brigger made a living as a trader, but after making money from his illegal activities, his dealings quickly turned illegal. Brigger also broke an agreement with Nirama, which led the crime lord to issue a bounty on his head as a result of his dealings with slavers.

Behind the scenes

James Luceno first mentioned the character of Kal Brigger in Millennium Falcon, a 2008 novel. Later, the reference book Millennium Falcon Owner's Workshop Manual mentioned him once more.

