Tobb Jadak

title: Tobb Jadak

A Human male hailing from Balmorra, Tobb Jadak once served as a pilot aboard the Stellar Envoy near the end of the Galactic Republic era.


During the Clone Wars, Jadak served as the junior member of the Stellar Envoy's crew, collaborating with Reeze Duurmun. In his youth, Jadak gained notoriety as a swoop racer, establishing impressive speed records until his unexpected defeat at the Balmorra Invitational, a race he was heavily favored to win with twenty-to-one odds. Whispers circulated about Jadak's alleged alliance with the Hutts, who supposedly coerced him into losing the race under threat of harm to his family. Further tarnishing his reputation were rumors suggesting that Jadak had placed a substantial bet against himself, amassing a considerable fortune in the process. Consequently, many individuals on Nar Shaddaa suffered significant financial losses, with a portion of their credits finding their way into Jadak's accounts. Unbeknownst to most, the idea of betting against himself originated from the Republic Group, who, aware of the Rigorra/Groodo Family's schemes, hoped to recruit Jadak as a pilot for their operations.

Working for the Republic Group, Jadak and Duurmun undertook numerous assignments in the years following the Invasion of Naboo. While en route to Coruscant, they found themselves within the planetary shield when General Grievous launched his audacious attempt to capture Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. To reach their destination at the Senate Building, Reeze and Jadak skillfully navigated through the Open Circle Fleet vessels, evading the ongoing conflict. They shadowed the crippled warship Invisible Hand as it plummeted towards the planet's surface, seeking to avoid encounters with other Separatist warships. After delivering their cargo, Jadak and Reeze were compelled to remain on Coruscant while Jedi Master J'oopi Shé modified the ship. Before they could depart, however, they were apprehended by shock troopers and Senate Security Force officers. Disinclined to engage with law enforcement, Reeze and Jadak promptly prepared the Stellar Envoy for takeoff. Without securing air traffic clearance, Jadak launched the ship into the atmosphere, hoping that debris from the battle above Coruscant would conceal their escape. However, the ship sustained damage during their flight, causing critical systems to fail upon reaching Nar Shaddaa. Unable to evade an approaching bulk freighter, Jadak and Reeze boarded an escape pod and attempted to disengage. Regrettably, the Stellar Envoy unexpectedly rolled after they activated the pod's rockets, resulting in the pod colliding with the ship's hull. Reeze perished instantly in the ensuing explosion, but Jadak's severely injured body was recovered from the wreckage.

Over sixty years later, he emerged from a coma at the Aurora Medical Facility on Obroa-skai, completely oblivious to the significant galactic events that had transpired during his unconsciousness. His doctor, Lial Sompa, gradually introduced him to the HoloNet and provided answers regarding his past. He first learned that Reeze Duurmun had not survived the crash of the Stellar Envoy. Secondly, he discovered that his legs had been amputated upon his initial rescue from the wreckage due to irreparable damage. The medical staff had refrained from replacing them with cybernetic prostheses, opting to wait and see if he would ever regain consciousness. In addition to catching up on sixty-two years of history, Jadak was surprised to learn that the Republic Group had taken out an insurance policy in his name, which had accumulated interest throughout his coma. After receiving prosthetic legs, Jadak was informed of his impending release from the Aurora facility, having passed the necessary discharge requirements. He also learned from Doctor Ril Bezant that he had only been at Aurora for forty years, and that only Doctor Sompa knew of his history before arriving at Aurora. Through a clandestine examination of Sompa's records, Jadak discovered that he had been held at a public hospital on Nar Shaddaa following the crash, which unlocked his memories of the events leading up to the incident. With his discharge imminent, Jadak resolved to utilize his newfound wealth to locate the Stellar Envoy and uncover the reasons behind its importance to the Republic Group.

He decided to begin his search at Nar Shaddaa, the place where his journey had nearly ended. With the assistance of Flitcher Poste, Jadak located Bammy Decree, who recounted the history of the Second Chance and revealed that Rej Taunt was incarcerated at the Carcel prison facility. Accompanied by Flitcher Poste, Jadak met with Taunt and agreed to undertake a mission to Holess in exchange for information about the ship. The mission entailed capturing a Colicoid who served as the key witness in a case led by Lestra Oxic, one of Taunt's adversaries. Keeping his promise, Taunt provided Jadak with the name Zenn Bien, a Sullustan residing on New Balosar. Bien shared the story of Quip Fargil, whom she believed was currently living on the planet Vaced under the alias Vec Minim. Their visit to Vaced drastically altered Jadak's perception, as he learned that the ship he had been searching for might actually be the Millennium Falcon, owned by Han Solo and his wife, Leia Organa Solo. Jadak was convinced that the Millennium Falcon was indeed the Stellar Envoy, given their shared characteristics of being assembled from YT-1300 light freighter and YT-1300p components.

Jadak then devised a plan to have Poste steal the ship and transport it to Lesser Vaced, while he impersonated Quip Fargil during an interview with the Solos. Drawing upon the knowledge he had acquired through his investigations, he convincingly portrayed Fargil, incorporating enough of his own understanding of pre-Imperial history to maintain credibility. However, Han Solo's questions repeatedly deviated from his prepared script, particularly when discussing the events of the First Battle of Bilbringi. Although Poste failed to steal the ship, Han welcomed "Fargil" aboard, granting Jadak access to the ship's navigational computer. When he attempted to enter the code phrase he had received decades earlier, it triggered the peculiar device that Allana Solo had discovered in the main hold. This alerted the Solos to his actions, forcing Jadak to reveal his true identity, as well as that of Flitcher Poste. Jadak then recounted his history with the Stellar Envoy and his involvement with the Republic Group to the Solos, leading up to the fateful day when he and Reeze Duurmun sought refuge on Nar Shaddaa after fleeing Coruscant.

It was Allana Solo who realized that they needed to return the device to its original location, and when Jadak entered the code phrase again, the Millennium Falcon departed for Tandun Three. There, they were joined by Lestra Oxic in one of the planet's numerous ruins, where the group unearthed the Insignia of Unity. As the temple began to collapse around them, Oxic claimed the emblem, only to discover that it was a counterfeit. Denied his prize but undeterred, Oxic offered to compensate Jadak and Poste for their assistance in locating the genuine Insignia of Unity. Jadak readily agreed, as did Poste, and they fled from the temple before it could crumble upon them.

