Zenn Bien, a Sullustan female from the Legends continuity, plied her trade as a smuggler. She was also a demolitions expert for the Rebel Alliance, and later transitioned into a career as a beautician.
Disillusioned by the SoroSuub Corporation's allegiance to both the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Empire, she departed from Sullust. Subsequently, she encountered Quip Fargil, and together they embarked on a mission to pilfer a YT-1300 light freighter from an Imperial impound lot located at Nilash III. With the assistance of an Imperial operative, Bien and Fargil successfully absconded with the freighter, proceeding to Sriluur. There, they convened with the Verpine named Luufkin, formulating a plan to dismantle the ship for parts. Luufkin furnished them with premium brandy and tabac sticks, while also arranging for a new registration for the ship, renaming it the Gone to Pieces. The trio then set course for the Tungra sector, only to be forcibly extracted from hyperspace.

They were intercepted by a novel Sienar Fleet Systems Interdictor-class Star Destroyer, but were eventually released. However, their thrusters suffered a malfunction. Fargil attempted to bribe the Imperials with brandy and tabac, leading the Star Destroyer to employ its tractor beam to bring them aboard for repairs. Once the crates were removed, the YT's real purpose was revealed: two Chadra-Fan, three Jawas, and four Squibs emerged from Gone to Pieces's secret compartments, intending to infiltrate the Interdictor and pilfer hyperdrive components for both Gone to Pieces and the Rebel Alliance. Bien, initially unaware of this scheme, diligently memorized a map of the cruiser to aid in their endeavor.
After the team returned with the necessary parts and began installing them on Gone to Pieces, the Imperials abruptly terminated their stay due to new orders. The team complied, but as the Imperials prepared to depart, their actions were discovered. Ignoring the Imperials' command to stay, Bien piloted Gone to Pieces out of the docking bay. During their escape, one of the cruiser's gravity well projectors malfunctioned, disabling the ship's systems. This allowed the group to proceed to the Tungra sector.
Following their encounter with the Interdictor, the Chadra-Fan, Jawas, Squibs, and Bien continued their collaborative efforts as independent scavengers. Upon discovering SoroSuub's dominion over Sullust and the presence of a resistance movement on the planet, the scavengers began collaborating with Nien Nunb and Sian Tevv. Prior to the Battle of Yavin, the scavengers enlisted in the Rebel Alliance, playing a role in the destruction of the Invincible and numerous other Imperial ships. After the Galactic Civil War, Bien earned a degree from the Barbers of Sullust and established a beauty salon called The Kindest Cut on New Balosar, where she founded her own warren-clan with multiple husbands. In 43 ABY, Tobb Jadak and Flitcher Poste visited her at The Kindest Cut, seeking information about Gone to Pieces out of nostalgia.
Zenn Bien made her debut in the novel Millennium Falcon, penned by James Luceno and released in October 2008.