Rej Taunt, a crime lord of Askajian descent, operated on Nar Shaddaa and was male. Being the firstborn son in a family that traded Tomuon fabrics, he had considerable riches at his disposal. He once possessed the YT-1300 light freighter, later famous as the Millennium Falcon, which he called the Second Chance.
During a mission for a Black Sun Vigo involving the retrieval of a buzz droid shipment, the inadequately secured droids turned on and began to dismantle the Second Chance from the inside. Although the buzz droids were ejected, an Acclamator-class assault ship, along with a Destroyer, came near the YT-1300 to execute a search. As the Imperial Acclamator moved through the cloud of buzz droids, they disassembled it.
Sixty-odd years later, Tobb Jadak and Flitcher Poste paid Rej a visit while he was imprisoned on Carcel.