Hlisk Squin

Hlisk Squin was a male Human who owned and operated a zoo. This zoo was called the Bollin Exotic Animal Emporium, and it was located in the platform city of Bollin, on the planet Cularin. His most cherished animal companion was a fully-grown rancor. He seemed to be a sincere and dedicated businessman.

The Emporium served as a front for Squin's clandestine, alternate life as a criminal. When the Hutt known as Riboga assumed control of criminal activities within the Cularin system, Squin utilized animal crates to transport slaves for him. Following Nirama's rise to power and subsequent elimination of slavery in the star system, Squin managed to conceal his past associations. He also engaged in smuggling, acquiring contraband from pirates in the asteroid belt's to sell while acquiring provisions for his extensive menagerie. Furthermore, he was willing to commit murder, as evidenced by the disappearances of rival business owners during periods when his expenditures on animal feed were inexplicably low.

Hlisk Squin had a red beard and was bald, and he had a slumped posture. Possessing unremarkable characteristics, he was the kind of individual who could easily blend into a crowd and avoid attracting attention.


  • Living Force Campaign Guide (First mentioned)
