The Verga Mer Mining Company (VMMC) was a locally based mining operation. Its primary area of activity was Tilnes, a moon located within the Cularin system. Two Sullustans, specifically Verga Nus and Mer Stodiz, established the company during the era of the Galactic Republic.
Following the establishment of the first underground settlement on Tilnes, VMMC achieved the unprecedented feat of operating on the moon for a full year. This accomplishment led to the acquisition of a charter, the terms of which stirred resentment among competitors and garnered the company few allies. Nevertheless, it facilitated VMMC's rise to prominence as the leading mining enterprise on Tilnes.
A distinctive characteristic of Verga Mer was its policy of not employing any droids in its workforce. This decision was primarily motivated by the electromagnetic pulses emitted by Tilnes several times annually, which disabled all droids on the moon (All the originally sent droids had left, except for advisor S-4QD). This absence of droids also became a selling point, attracting individuals seeking employment to the Cularin system.
Having cultivated favorable relationships with the baron administrators of Cularin's platform cities, Verga Mer sought to broaden its influence within the system to encompass the floating cities of Genarius. Unable to simultaneously engage with all the cities, they alienated those they approached at a later stage. However, their most significant error lay in neglecting to approach Riboga, the Hutt crime lord, initially. While he was not offended by this oversight, he consistently declined the five requests for an audience extended by Verga Nus and Mer Stodiz once they recognized their blunder. Nirama completely rejected any chance of an audience when he replaced Riboga.
The pirates of the Cularin system heavily targeted VMMC's supply shipments for reasons that remain unknown. However, their outbound shipments were not affected.
After more than three decades of partnership, Verga Nus and Mer Stodiz began to grow weary of each other. They became known for their public displays of anger and heated arguments, the act of throwing objects at each other during meetings, and even a physical altercation in Gadrin.
Around 32 BBY, Hiem Bryl, a Sullustan, held the position of head of operations in the mines.