Jir Tramsig

Jir Tramsig, a Human male, holding the rank of Colonel, commanded the Thaereian military forces located within the Cularin system. Known for his ruthlessness and ambition, his soldiers perceived him as valuing mission success over their well-being, leading to widespread dislike among the rank and file. Despite this, he managed to cultivate loyalty within his ranks, specifically choosing soldiers who mirrored his own moral compass and demonstrated unwavering dedication.

From the start of his career, Tramsig distinguished himself as a dedicated and gifted officer, consistently striving for advancement. His intelligence and skill in manipulation facilitated his rise through the ranks, although he did accumulate some adversaries along the way.

Tramsig, initially assigned to a fleet, handpicked the promising captain Kurth San to serve on his flagship. From that moment forward, San prioritized Tramsig's objectives above the military's.


In the year 33 BBY, Tira Wils, a former mercenary turned bounty hunter, captured Tramsig's attention.

Around 32 BBY, Tramsig received orders to establish military bases for the Thaerian army in the Cularin system, a recently integrated member of the Republic, representing the Republic's interests (as it lacked a unified military at the time). He had specifically requested this assignment, leading to speculation that it was a means to remove him from the Thaereian system.

Upon arrival, Tramsig conducted a review of his assigned troops, implemented certain reassignments, and proceeded to the system with fewer personnel than authorized. Tramsig also extended an offer to Tira Wils, hiring her as his personal bodyguard and unofficial head of security. He established his initial base on Dorumaa, a moon orbiting Almas, launching attacks on pirate outposts while assessing the situation in Cularin and awaiting the arrival of additional ships.

Tramsig established a base in the platform city of Soboll on the planet Cularin, commanded by Major San, consisting of two understaffed division. Although Tramsig did not orchestrate any clandestine operations, he maintained strict secrecy to prevent sensitive information, such as his strategic plans, from leaking. Tramsig was known to engage in covert deals. Despite these precautions, the crimelord Nirama successfully infiltrated Tramsig's base with a mole.

In addition to Soboll, Tramsig maintained two other bases within the system: one on Dorumaa and another at a concealed location on Ostfrei. His forces soon consisted of two divisions, four capital warships, and eighteen patrol craft.

Pirates managed to pilfer substantial quantities of supplies from Tramsig, leading Nirama, a local crimelord, to offer replacements at a discounted rate. Tramsig requested a larger quantity than what had been lost, a detail that Nirama noticed but nonetheless fulfilled. Furthermore, Tramsig requested materials of questionable legality.

Tramsig and the Thaereian military also interacted with Qar Jalunn, an eccentric financier. Tramsig only agreed to meet with Jalunn in secret, tasking Tira Wils with arranging these encounters. The military collaborated with Yush Baskalar, a genetic researcher who was displeased with the arrangement but remained due to Jalunn's persuasion.

Tramsig discovered that pirates were ambushing incoming freighters in the Cularin asteroid belt as they exited hyperspace. In response, the Colonel dispatched military cruisers along the same route. During one of these ambushes, a single cruiser obliterated five pirate vessels, prompting the remaining pirates to exercise greater caution.

Despite these efforts, Tramsig failed to completely halt the pirate attacks. While the pirates refrained from large-scale raids, smaller incidents remained frequent, particularly when military presence was reduced. In the short term, Tramsig proved unable to function as an effective police force, disrupting local traffic and incurring the population's resentment. Only Senator Wren, a native of the Tarasin species, and a handful of naive idealists were impressed by Tramsig's accomplishments.

Personality and traits

Jir Trimsig sported a severe haircut and possessed a sharp jawline that conveyed an air of stubbornness. His uniform, intentionally tailored slightly too small to accentuate his physique, was adorned with numerous medals. He was known for his ambition, manipulative nature, and perceived coldness. While he did not hold life in high regard, he avoided unnecessary loss of his men's lives. He harbored a general dislike for others, an attitude that he failed to conceal as effectively as he believed. His heavy-handed tactics, secrecy, and apparent ineffectiveness against the pirates (or alleged dealings with criminals) contributed to his widespread unpopularity within the Cularin system.

