Yush Baskalar

description: Information about Yush Baskalar

Yush Baskalar was a researcher of science, specifically genetics and cybernetics, who collaborated with the Thaereian military. He is considered a scientist of note.


As a youth, Baskalar was discovered to have Force-sensitive abilities and was brought to the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant for training. However, due to his aggressive behavior, he was quickly expelled. Upon his return, he found that his family had perished in a transport accident. Consequently, he harbored a deep resentment towards the Jedi.

Due in part to his Force abilities, Yush Baskalar demonstrated a proficiency in scientific disciplines, including droid creation, cybernetics, and the genetics of Near-Human species. He initially conducted advanced genetics research for the Galactic Republic at a university, but was subsequently fired for conducting unethical experiments. Qar Jalunn then contacted him, providing extensive funding to pursue his research. Baskalar was hesitant about working with the Thaereian military, but Jalunn persuaded him to proceed.

Personality and traits

Yush Baskalar was a man of short stature with a hunched posture and slender shoulders. He was completely bald, offset by thick, dark eyebrows. His expression was consistently a scowl, and he had a small, x-shaped scar on his right forehead that he attempted to conceal by averting his gaze during conversations. His movements were generally slow and clumsy, contrasting with the dexterity of his hands.

Baskalar held a deep dislike for all of his colleagues. He was easily irritated, which manifested as a twitch in his eyelids. His speech was slurred and delivered with a harsh accent. He was intensely dedicated to his work, with his primary objective being the eradication of the Jedi Order.


  • Living Force Campaign Guide (First mentioned)
