Tira Wils was a woman who served as the bodyguard and de facto head of security for Jir Tramsig.
Having initially established a reputation as a mercenary, Tira Wils later transitioned to a successful career as a bounty hunter, which brought her to the attention of Jir Tramsig of the Thaereian military in 33 BBY. A year later, Colonel Tramsig, recently promoted, traveled to the Cularin system and contacted Wils, offering her a position. She was the only person he trusted to meet with Qar Jalunn, among her other responsibilities. These meetings were conducted in secrecy.
Wils possessed distinctive physical features, including milky white eyes, snow-white hair, and blue-green skin. She always presented herself in a tidy manner, wearing form-fitting attire and carrying a variety of weapons.
Wils was completely focused on the task at hand. She was devoted to Tramsig, but felt no emotional connection to him or anyone else. A lifetime of killing had rendered her largely devoid of feelings. She neither loved nor hated anyone. She was known for using a heavy blaster and a vibroblade, and she flew a Z-95 Headhunter.