During the decline of the Galactic Republic, a male Human named Kurth San lived. He enlisted in the military forces of the Thaere system and eventually achieved the rank of major. Approximately in 32 BBY, the Thaereian military established a base in the neighboring Cularin system, near Thaere. San was then assigned to be in charge of the Thaereian base situated on the planet Cularin, specifically on the newly-built platform city known as Soboll.
In 31 BBY, San manned an informational booth at the SoroSuub Anniversary celebration, an event that took place on the planet Genarius. By the time the Clone Wars began around eleven years later, he was still in command of Soboll, which was under siege by the Cularin Militia, an anti-Thaereian military group. Believing the Militia would attack the city, San strategically placed explosives around Soboll's outer edges. His plan was to draw the Militia into Soboll, then detonate the explosives while the Thaereians evacuated. The Militia, however, aimed to capture San alive and dispatched a team of freelance agents to infiltrate the city and seize the Thaereian commander.
Kurth San, a male Human, was born during the decline of the Galactic Republic on a world characterized by strong gravity. He enlisted in the armed forces of the Thaere system and quickly rose to the rank of captain. Subsequently, he was chosen to command the flagship of Colonel Jir Tramsig, becoming Tramsig's trusted right-hand officer and eventually achieving the rank. Around 32 BBY, the Cularin system, which was a close neighbor to Thaere, became part of the Republic, leading to the establishment of a Thaereian military presence there. They constructed the platform city Soboll to serve as their base on the planet Cularin, and San was appointed as its commander. At some point, San also became acquainted with fellow Thaereian officers Osten Dal'Nay and Xirossk.
Around 31 BBY, San journeyed to the city of Tolea Biqua on Genarius, another planet within the Cularin system, to participate in the SoroSuub Anniversary celebration. During the event, San managed an information booth for the Thaereian military. He didn't find pleasure in distributing what he deemed "unnecessary" information, even though the Thaereian booth was merely a front. San's true purpose on Genarius was to assess the receptiveness of the Cularin system's inhabitants to enlisting in the Thaereian military, even if only as reserve corps members.
Approximately eleven years later, during the Clone Wars, the Cularin Militia, a military group opposing the Thaereian presence in the Cularin system, launched Operation False Horizon in an attempt to expel the military from the system. Most of the Thaereian troops on Cularin retreated to Soboll, which was then besieged by the Militia. Anticipating a large-scale attack, San devised a strategy to evacuate the city while simultaneously eliminating a significant portion of the Militia forces. He strategically placed explosive devices around the city's perimeter and planned to lure the Militia into Soboll by causing a power failure in the city's turbolaser defenses. The explosives would then detonate, wiping out the attacking Militia forces, while the Thaereian troops escaped aboard starships concealed within hangars throughout the city. As his plan was being implemented, San remained inside the city's command center.
The Cularin Militia hired a group of freelance agents, known as the "Heroes of Cularin," to infiltrate Soboll, capture San alive, and then negotiate the surrender of the Thaereian forces in Soboll. The agents entered the city and learned from the Sullustan Militia agent Mub Tyeb that San was in the command center. They entered the base and observed San monitoring tactical displays in the facility's war room. The major then went into his office and entered a series of commands into a console, initiating a countdown to deactivate the turbolasers in five minutes' time, followed by the detonation of the explosives ten minutes later. San also activated a jamming device, causing a communications blackout around Soboll.
The Heroes of Cularin entered San's office, captured him, and attempted to negotiate. With San in custody, the agents tried to escape Soboll in an airspeeder stolen from a nearby hangar. However, San began resisting, punching and kicking his captors to distract them while Thaereian laser defenses fired on the speeder. San stopped fighting when the vehicle was hit and began plummeting towards the jungle below the city. The speeder crash-landed, but was not seriously damaged, and San was taken into custody by the Militia. They intended to extract information from him about the upper echelons of the Thaereian military, but they anticipated that he would not be forthcoming. Soboll was captured by the Militia shortly afterward.
Kurth San was a man of considerable size, standing at nearly two meters in height. He had brown-haired, dark skin, a square jaw, and a scar from a vibrodagger on his left cheek. He had a spring in his step, allowing him to move more quickly than expected for someone of his size. He was also known for his impeccable appearance and was admired for it.
San was a serious and strict commander, ensuring that his subordinates were in top condition and ready for action. While commanding Soboll, he created engaging assignments to keep his soldiers occupied. He even considered sending patrol ships to conduct exercises near the base of the Oblee crime lord Nirama in the Cularin asteroid belt to discourage smugglers from operating in the Cularin system. He was deeply loyal to his superior, Colonel Tramsig, and prioritized Tramsig's interests above his own. However, he suspected Tramsig of having dealings with the system's smugglers, which concerned him.
Major San was very pleased to be assigned to the Thaereian forces on Cularin and believed that the Thaereians were justified in claiming their presence in the Cularin system was under the authority of the Republic, as they were protecting the system, which was unable to protect itself. However, he did not always act in the best interests of the people of Cularin, as demonstrated during the siege of Soboll, when he was willing to cause civilian casualties by detonating the explosives.
San was bilingual, capable of speaking both Basic and Tarasinese, the language of the Tarasin, a sentient species native to Cularin. He spoke with a Core Worlds accent.
Kurth San was first mentioned in the Living Force Campaign Guide, a Wizards of the Coast sourcebook published in 2001 that outlined the setting of the Living Force campaign, a supplement to the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. He later appeared in two Living Force adventures, Blown Away and Lockdown on Soboll.
In the Living Force Campaign Guide, San was identified as a member of the Republic Military, the armed forces of the Galactic Republic. However, the Wizards.com article Over Thaere later retconned all references to the Republic Military in the campaign guide as instead alluding to the Thaereian military, thus making San a member of that organization instead.
Blown Away was an interactive scenario intended for use at roleplaying events, outlining how the event staff should play the roles of the various non-player characters, including San. The major was advised to be portrayed as evasive and businesslike, dismissing people if they asked uncomfortable questions, while being pleasant and explaining the opportunities for advancement within the Thaereian military if someone seemed genuinely interested. The other non-player characters were meant to act as if they didn't trust him.
When San encounters the Heroes of Cularin in Lockdown on Soboll, the details of what occurs can vary depending on the actions taken by the players, who role-play as the heroes. When the player characters first enter San's office, they can choose to disobey their orders and shoot San on sight. They then have the option of trying to negotiate with him to persuade him to disarm the explosive device. If they do so, then San only gives way slowly because he believes that he is negotiating from a position of strength and so continually reminds them of how much time is left on the countdown. He also takes the conversation off on tangents to unrelated topics, such as the players' backgrounds and their views on Osten Dal'Nay and Xirossk. If the players' conversation with him begins to lull, then Thaereian troops suddenly launch an assault on the office.
The players can choose to bargain with San to get him to give them the abort code for the explosives in return for letting a specific number of Thaereian ships escape the city. San refuses to believe the players if they offer to let him go, and if they ask for safe passage from the city for themselves, he promises to let them leave in twenty minutes, after the detonation of the explosives. If the players are successful with their negotiations, San disables the device and puts the countdown to the explosion on hold, while the players check with the Cularin Militia that the deal they negotiated with San is acceptable.