OPS third sector precinct house

The precinct house for the third sector, belonging to the Office of Peace and Security, could be found on the western edge of Gadrin. This was likely the most diminutive precinct house on the entire planet of Cularin. The building was a single-story, square shape, and featured only a single entrance. Inside, it contained a modest reception area furnished with two desks and approximately six chairs, as well as a detention cell and a storage space for supplies. Concealed behind this supply closet was a staircase descending to a clandestine meeting chamber, equipped with a circular table and seating for nine individuals. The Cularin resistance utilized this room. Gerta Haman, the leader of the resistance, arranged for OPC operative Corporal Ortin, who was secretly also a member of the resistance, to escort a group of recruits to this location for a meeting with her.

