Apartment 8

Apartment #8 could be found at the address 113 Kantal Boulevard within the city of Hedrett, which itself is situated on the planet of Cularin.


Back in the time of the Clone Wars, the Zabrak Jedi Knight known as Nek Lawsirk resided in Apartment #8. Once Lawsirk was taken prisoner by the Dark Jedi named Raik Muun, Muun took on the appearance of the Zabrak and made her way to the apartment, utilizing it as a headquarters for carrying out illegal activities aimed at the local inhabitants. Ultimately, the Heroes of Cularin were enlisted by Jedi Master Kirlocca to look into the offenses committed by Muun while she was impersonating Lawsirk; as part of their investigation, the agents went to Lawsirk's apartment hoping to find some evidence.

