Raik Muun, a Human half-breed female with Force-sensitivity, transitioned into a Dark Jedi as the Galactic Republic neared its end. Joining the Jedi Order, Muun underwent training at the Almas Academy, a Jedi school situated on the planet of Almas within the Cularin system. Her romantic interests in fellow student Nek Lawsirk were unrequited, leading to her expulsion from the Academy by Jedi Master Kirlocca. Departing the system, Muun succumbed to the dark side of the Force. She returned several years later, determined to tarnish the reputation of the Almas Jedi and ultimately force them out of the Cularin system. Establishing her base on the moon Tilnes, Muun discovered the existence of a dangerous creature known as the t'salak and subsequently journeyed to the planet Cularin, intending to locate the creature and utilize it in her scheme against the Jedi.
Despite locating the cavern concealing the creature, Muun's attempts to release it were unsuccessful. Subsequently, she pursued an alternative strategy to free the t'salak, which involved capturing Nek Lawsirk. She then impersonated him, which enabled her to acquire the creature from Morad'Ka, the Mother of the Tarasin tribe Jaraana irstat. Muun compelled captured scientists to facilitate the creature's reproduction but was forced to evacuate Tilnes by a group of freelance agents tasked by the Jedi with locating Lawsirk. Subsequently, Muun devised a plan to unleash the t'salak during a peace conference organized by the Jedi and the Sentient Beings Opposing Violence aboard the liner Luxury. Her intention was to provoke the attending Jedi into violence, thereby discrediting the Jedi Order. However, the agents who had previously driven her from Tilnes intervened, thwarting her plans and compelling her to flee the ship. Following the Clone Wars, Muun journeyed to the planet Coruscant and became the apprentice of Inquisitor Valin Draco, a Dark Jedi serving the Galactic Empire as a Jedi hunter. She accompanied him on a mission to investigate the ruins of the Almas Academy, but they were defeated in an attack by Alderaanian Resistance operatives.

As a Force-sensitive female Human half-breed, Raik Muun's birth occurred during the decline of the Galactic Republic. She became a member of the Jedi Order and enrolled in the Almas Academy, a Jedi learning center located on the planet of Almas within the Cularin system. However, she struggled to adapt to the demands of Jedi life and attempted to start a romantic relationship with a fellow student, the Zabrak Nek Lawsirk, despite the prohibition of such relationships among the Jedi. Lawsirk turned down her advances, which greatly upset her. Wookiee Jedi Master Kirlocca, the Academy's lightsaber instructor, discovered Muun's actions and deemed them indicative of her unsuitability for becoming a Jedi, leading to her expulsion from the Academy. She attributed her dismissal to Lawsirk and Kirlocca and departed the system to plot her revenge against the Almas Jedi.
Muun's resentment towards the Jedi led her towards the dark side of the Force, transforming her into a Dark Jedi. Some years later, during the era of the Clone Wars, she made her return to the Cularin system, determined to exact revenge on the Jedi. She established a temporary headquarters in an abandoned chemical factory on the moon of Tilnes and acquired some battle droids to serve her. After studying the myths of the Tarasin, a sentient species indigenous to the planet Cularin, Muun learned about the existence of a dangerous creature known as the t'salak. The t'salak was a seemingly indestructible beast that resembled a black, oozing mound and was capable of inducing a violent rage in people by simply touching them with its tendrils. Over one hundred years earlier, it had attacked the Tarasin, and they had imprisoned it in a cave beneath the surface of Cularin. Muun decided to find the creature, but was unable to discover the exact location of its cave.
A group of construction workers who were building a bridge for a racecourse inadvertently unearthed the cave. Muun learned of their discovery and, in the middle of the night while the workers were sleeping, arrived at the construction site with a group of her battle droids. She left the droids to secure the site while she entered the cavern, confident that she would find the t'salak. Inside, she encountered a series of obstacles that the Tarasin had placed inside the cave to prevent anyone from freeing the t'salak, including a deep chasm, a large boulder that blocked the path, and a concealed door. After passing all of these obstacles, Muun entered another tunnel, but soon found her way blocked by another obstruction: a wall of roots and vines. She tried to cut them down with her lightsaber, but the roots and vines regenerated every time she sliced through them, because the obstacle had been engineered by the Tarasin to allow only people who had never touched the dark side of the Force to get through. Being a Dark Jedi, Muun was therefore unable to pass the wall.
Enraged, Muun abandoned the t'salak cave and directed her anger towards the construction workers, capturing them and transporting them back to her base on Tilnes. Determined to obtain the t'salak, she resolved to attempt to persuade the Tarasin to assist her in releasing it. She disguised herself as a male Human Jedi and traveled to the Jaraana irstat, a Tarasin tribe residing in a village approximately fifty kilometers from the cave. Upon her arrival, she approached Mother Morad'Ka, the eldest woman in the village, and requested that the Tarasin accompany her to the cave, asserting that it would benefit the system. Morad'Ka sensed through the Force that something was amiss with the request and declined. This angered Muun, and she stormed out of the village, screaming curses at the Tarasin. The following day, she returned to the village and used explosives to set fire to it in an attempt to destroy the settlement. The fire greatly damaged the structures in the village and aided Muun by creating a sense of apprehension among the Tarasin toward the Jedi, whom the Jaraana believed had caused the fire.
Undeterred by her initial failure to acquire the t'salak, Muun pursued an alternative strategy to obtain the creature. The Almas Jedi had dispatched Nek Lawsirk, by now a Jedi Knight, to request that Morad'Ka permit them to study the creature. Morad'Ka acceded to Lawsirk's request, promising to entrust him with the creature when she deemed the time appropriate. Muun became aware of the agreement and plotted to capture Lawsirk, subsequently retrieving the t'salak herself. She adopted a disguise as a Jedi and, over several weeks, perpetrated various unlawful acts on Cularin, such as demanding payment from citizens for protection. Consequently, rumors circulated throughout Cularin, attributing Muun's actions to the Jedi and leading the local populace to perceive the Order as violent and cruel.
Lawsirk heard the rumors and investigated the cause of them, but, after a week of searching, discovered nothing. Muun sent him a holo-message and, in it, claimed that she could reveal to him information about the rumors if he met her. She asked him to travel to Tilnes and told him the location of the chemical plant where she was based. Although he distrusted her, Lawsirk wanted to take the opportunity to learn more about the rumors, so he traveled to the Tilnes plant to meet with Muun. Muun waited on a catwalk in a darkened room to ambush Lawsirk, who eventually arrived there. Muun's battle droids opened fire on the Zabrak, and he responded by igniting his lightsaber and jumping up onto the catwalk. Muun disarmed him using her own saber and pushed him into an empty chemical vat, where she then imprisoned him.
With Lawsirk captured, Muun took his lightsaber and used theatrical makeup to disguise herself as him. She traveled to the city of Hedrett on Cularin and, based out of Lawsirk's apartment there, inflicted several unlawful acts against the local population to further undermine the peaceful reputation of the Jedi. While in the disguise, she demanded money for protection from people, and also staged an attack on The Chasm, a cantina that was located in the nearby city of Gadrin. She placed a holorecorder inside the building's refresher, which she hoped would be found by one of the cantina's patrons, ensuring that the attack was recorded. Muun then entered the cantina and waited for someone to come out of the refresher with the holorecorder. A few minutes later, the Kubaz Forg F'lopo emerged with it and began using it to film his friends. Muun immediately flipped over the table next to her and attacked the cantina's patrons with Lawsirk's lightsaber. She cut off a number of arms and legs and also killed a Bothan. When she had finished, she apologized to the survivors for the mess and dropped a handful of credit chips onto the floor, which she claimed were to cover the cost of the cleaning. F'lopo filmed the whole attack, and the footage was confiscated by the Office of Peace and Security.
Morad'Ka eventually decided to let the Jedi study the t'salak, so she sent a message to Lawsirk, telling him that he could go and collect it. Muun intercepted the message and, while still disguised as the Zabrak, traveled to the Jaraana irstat to collect the creature. She arrived in the evening and took the creature from Morad'Ka straight away, refusing to share refreshments with the elderly Tarasin. After bringing the creature to the factory on Tilnes, Muun returned to Hedrett and used a mind trick to kidnap three biologists from a lab that was used by Culpharm, a local pharmaceutical company. She took them back to Tilnes with her and forced them to try and find a way to make t'salak reproduce. While the biologists were present, she also repeatedly allowed the t'salak to touch Nek Lawsirk with its tentacles, enraging him.
Eventually, the biologists developed a technique using lasers that allowed them to split the t'salak into two individual creatures. As she believed that the biologists had now served their purpose, Muun tied them up with spacer's tape and told them that she was going to kill them. However, Master Kirlocca had hired a group of freelance agents known as the "Heroes of Cularin" to find Lawsirk, and they had tracked the Zabrak to the factory. They entered the plant, and Muun was alerted to their presence. Muun abandoned the biologists and fled the factory with both t'salaks and a set of notes that the biologists had written about how make the creatures divide.
Muun used the biologists' notes to further split the t'salak so that she had five individual creatures, each as strong as the original. When she learned of a peace conference that was going to be held between the Almas Jedi and the Sentient Beings Opposing Violence, she realized that this was the opportunity she had been waiting for to discredit the Jedi. The conference was to be held aboard the liner Luxury close to Rennokk, a moon of Cularin. Muun plotted to use the t'salaks to enrage the attending Jedi and cause them to attack the delegates and planned to film and broadcast the event to the holonews. To implement her scheme, Muun disguised herself and adopted the alias "Lernia." Using several forged letters of recommendation from notable pilots, Lernia secured a job as the co-pilot of the Luxury for the duration of the conference, and through her new position, she smuggled her t'salaks and battle droids onto the ship. Muun also hired the bounty hunter Coar Maw while disguised as a scarred Ithorian, and employed him to delay the Heroes of Cularin from further interfering with her plans. In an additional attempt to slow down the agents, Muun told Razor Leader, the commander of a Thaereian military starfighter squadron that had been assigned to defend the Luxury, that a ship would attempt to dock with the liner and that the craft's crew would attempt to sabotage the conference. She also claimed that the crew of this ship would have credentials showing that they had been sent by a high-ranking individual on Cularin, which she hoped would persuade the Thaereians to prevent the agents from boarding the liner should the agents learn of her plans and attempt to stop her.
The agents eventually defeated Maw and were sent by Jedi Master Lanius Qel-Bertuk, the headmaster of the Almas Academy, to prevent Muun from disrupting the conference on the Luxury. Their ship approached the liner and, in the guise of Lernia, Muun contacted Razor Leader, insisting that the Thaereian squadron destroy the agents' starship. Razor Leader disagreed and planned to let the agents dock with the Luxury, so Muun used a mind trick on the liner's gunner and ordered him to open fire on the Thaereian starfighters and the agents' ship. Realizing that she had run out of time, Muun set her plan to disrupt the conference in motion and started by killing all of the bridge crew on the liner, except for the captain, Veer. She tied Veer up with spacer's tape and attached an explosive device to him, forcing him to fly the Luxury in the direction of Rennokk. Muun also ensured that the ship was inside the moon's gravity well so that even if the Thaereians opened fire on it, the ship would continue its descent towards the moon. She jettisoned all of the liner's escape pods except one and released the t'salak from two canisters that she had placed inside the ship's conference room. The creatures attacked the attendees, sending them into violent, uncontrollable rages. Jedi Master Kirlocca and two Jedi Padawans attempted to fight the creatures, but one of the Padawans became enraged and slew the other one. A Rodian reporter then picked up the lightsaber of the fallen Jedi and went on a rampage, attacking the other delegates with it. With the Rodian and the rogue Padawan attacking the other attendees, it appeared as if the Jedi were deliberately attacking the delegates. Seeing her chance, Muun activated a news feed that broadcast live images of the attack to the holomedia. She also sent a group of battle droids to the ship's engineering section to damage the Luxury's systems and prevent its course from being altered.
The Heroes of Cularin eventually landed on the Luxury, and Muun monitored them to keep track of their actions. She tried to slow their movements aboard the liner by initiating an atmospheric evacuation of the landing bay while the agents were disembarking from their ship. The agents stopped the evacuation and made their way into the engineering section, where they defeated the droids that Muun had sent there and repaired some of the damaged systems. They then made their way to the conference room, where they subdued the t'salak, although not before Kirlocca was finally overcome by the creatures and was killed. The agents confronted Muun on the bridge, and she engaged them in combat. Despite her desire to kill them for foiling her plans, she did not fight recklessly and remained fully in control of her actions. However, despite her efforts, the fight began to go against her. She fled and escaped in the last remaining pod, which she flew to a location where a getaway ship was waiting for her.

Muun eventually made her way back to her base, situated on Tilnes. While stationed there, she received reports concerning Order 66, a directive issued by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to the Grand Army of the Republic's clone troopers instructing them to eliminate all Jedi Knights; this order was part of the contingency orders. Convinced that the issuing of this command had robbed her of the chance to personally exact revenge upon the Jedi, Muun resolved to confront those responsible for the Jedi's demise. To accomplish this, she journeyed to Coruscant, which served as the capital of the newly established Galactic Empire, the governing body that had replaced the Republic. However, upon arriving on Coruscant, she instead encountered Valin Draco, a Dark Side Adept affiliated with the Inquisitorius, an organization of Jedi hunters in service to the Empire. Recognizing Muun's significant potential, Draco extended an invitation for her to join him. She accepted his offer, as she felt that she had finally discovered someone who could truly love her.
Following her induction as Draco's apprentice, Muun accompanied him on various missions, reveling in the opportunities to hunt down Jedi that these assignments presented. Around 17 BBY, Draco was tasked with investigating a Force nexus located on Almas, and he brought Muun along, believing that her familiarity with the planet would prove valuable to their mission. After their arrival in the Cularin system, Draco, Muun, and a contingent of Imperial support troops traveled to Almas aboard a Theta-class shuttle, landing in the city of Forard. From there, they proceeded to the Academy, which lay in ruins due to an attack that had occurred near the conclusion of the Clone Wars. Inside the Academy, Draco and Muun came across the Twi'lek Jedi Master Vhiin Thorla and his Padawan, Dorv'Tilsta, both of whom had arrived at the Academy in search of other Jedi who had survived the Empire's Jedi purge. A heated lightsaber duel erupted, during which Muun employed a t'salak to incite a murderous fury within Tilsta, leading the young Padawan to attack his own master. Thorla was left with no choice but to kill Tilsta, but the act filled him with such immense guilt that he became weakened, allowing Draco and Muun to successfully capture him.
Shortly thereafter, Draco unearthed the holocron belonging to the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Rivan within the Academy's sublevels and decided to remain there to study it. Muun remained by his side, but while they were occupied, a group of Alderaanian Resistance operatives arrived at the ruined Academy in search of the Qornah Holocron, a Jedi holocron that had been stored within the Academy. However, Draco had already located the Qornah Holocron and had taken it with him to the sublevels. The agents made their way there to confront him and approached Draco. Muun flanked her Master and ignited her lightsaber, preparing to defend him. The agents attacked Draco, and Muun took up a defensive position in front of him, while four clone shadow troopers, elite Imperial troops that served Draco, prepared to ambush the Resistance team. Once the agents had moved close enough to them, Muun and the shadow troopers engaged them in melee combat. However, Muun and the troopers were eventually incapacitated by the agents. Draco was defeated, and the agents left the Academy with the Qornah Holocron.
Raik Muun possessed red hair and green eyes. Her emotional volatility and uncontrolled desires rendered her unsuitable for Jedi training and prone to fits of anger. This instability prevented her from restraining her obsession with Nek Lawsirk, and she reacted poorly to his rejection. After succumbing to the dark side, she displayed murderous tendencies, mental instability, and intense anger when denied her desires, as exemplified by Morad'Ka's interference in her acquisition of the t'salak. During her confrontation with the Heroes of Cularin aboard the Luxury, she was completely committed to their defeat and supremely confident in her eventual victory. She also favored employing deception to achieve her objectives.
As a Dark Jedi, Muun favored wearing black attire. Upon becoming Valin Draco's apprentice, she adopted a darker variation of the standard Inquisitor uniform. She wielded a lightsaber with a crimson blade, which she had constructed herself.
During her time at the Almas Academy, Muun exhibited a remarkable aptitude for utilizing the Force. However, her departure from the Academy led to her fall to the dark side, a path from which she could not be redeemed. She possessed knowledge of how to manipulate the minds of others through the Force, sense impending danger, move objects using telekinesis, and enhance her dark-side powers through Force Enrage.
Raik Muun's character was conceived by Matthew Domville for the Forces of Cularin trilogy of adventures within the Living Force campaign, a supplementary material for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. She subsequently appeared in Echoes of the Jedi, a roleplaying supplement authored by Abel G. Peña and Jean-François Boivin and released in 2008. In that same year, she received an implied mention in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, specifically within the entry for the Jaraana. Muun's species remained unidentified until her appearance in Force Convention, the concluding adventure of the Forces of Cularin trilogy, where she was identified as a Near-Human. Echoes of the Jedi later expanded upon this, asserting that she was of Human mixed heritage.
Within Force Convention, the players, assuming the roles of the Heroes of Cularin, possess the ability to influence Muun's actions. Her behavior becomes more aggressive when facing higher-level players, and she gains the ability to utilize Force lightning when confronting players of a higher tier. The player characters also have the option of killing her, although her subsequent appearance in Echoes of the Jedi renders such a death non-canonical. In Echoes of the Jedi, Muun can once again be killed during her confrontation with the Alderaanian Resistance agents.