Forg F'lopo

Forg F'Lopo, a Kubaz of the male persuasion, resided on the world of Cularin during the era known as the Clone Wars.


A minor offender, F'Lopo frequented the Chasm, a drinking establishment of the cantina variety situated within the Cularin city of Gadrin. On one occasion, while visiting the cantina's refresher, he came across a holorecorder that had been surreptitiously placed there by the Dark Jedi named Raik Muun, though F'Lopo was unaware of this. Shortly after, Muun launched an assault on the cantina, disguised as the Zabrak Jedi known as Nek Lawsirk, and F'Lopo captured the scene on film using the recorder. Subsequently, he bided his time, waiting until he thought Muun was a safe distance away, before returning to his dwelling. His intention was to profit by selling the recorded material to Cularin Now, but the Office of Peace and Security seized it from him.

The following day, he revisited The Chasm at the invitation of Bolt, the bartender, who offered him complimentary beverages. While present, he was approached by the Heroes of Cularin, a team of independent operatives investigating the aforementioned attack, who posed some inquiries regarding the events that had transpired.

