The Bolt, a Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transport, served the Rebel Alliance. This vessel was located at the Rebel Hospital in 3 ABY, a few weeks following the devastating Battle of Hoth. Its mission involved transporting a repair team to service the numerous starships situated nearby, as the hospital was overwhelmed treating hundreds of evacuees' injuries.
While the Azzameen family delivered a bacta shipment to the Rebel hospital, the Imperial-class Star Destroyer named the Corrupter launched an attack on the Rebels, supported by Lancer-class frigates known as Blue Hawk and Cascade. In response, the Bolt rapidly deployed to activate the various freighters present, enabling their departure. Because most of the ships were inactive while docked, the Bolt's actions were crucial. The Bolt played a pivotal role in guaranteeing that nearly every starship present had an opportunity to evade the Imperial assault.