Azzameen family

The Azzameen family constituted a lineage of merchants who possessed a modest shipping enterprise, known as the Twin Suns Transport Services.


During the era of the Galactic Civil War, the Azzameen family entered into an agreement with the Rebel Alliance to transport bacta to an Alliance installation that functioned as a hospital for Rebel soldiers injured on Hoth. On one particular voyage, the Imperial Star Destroyer named Corrupter materialized and assaulted both the Alliance forces and the Azzameen family's ships. Following this conflict, the family was branded as traitors to the Empire, and an arrest warrant was issued for their apprehension.

The Azzameens gathered what they could salvage from their base and fled before the Imperials arrived and seized control of their shipyards and headquarters. The Azzameens sought sanctuary aboard the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser called Defiance. While Ace, the youngest son, joined the Rebel forces as a fighter pilot, the remaining family members dedicated themselves to retaliating against the Viraxo and rebuilding their company.

Their initial action involved a raid on the Viraxo station where Antan Azzameen was being detained. Subsequently, Aeron enlisted Ace's help for a brief mission to retrieve a damaged probe droid within the Saila Na system to facilitate the tracking of the Viraxo's activities. Following a failed assassination attempt on K'Armyn Viraxo, which turned out to be a setup, they shifted their focus towards reconstructing their family enterprise. Over the subsequent months, they launched attacks on at least two Viraxo supply depots to acquire cargo for sale to the Rebels. During the initial raid, they uncovered evidence that the Viraxo were supplying arms to Black Sun; this discovery prompted a swift assault on an Imperial Communications Station to install a listening device on a satellite, enhancing their ability to monitor the Viraxo-Black Sun alliance.

Ace was compelled to lead a raid to liberate Emon from imprisonment, and he later evaded the weaponry of Darth Vader's Super Star Destroyer to rescue Aeron from a base situated in the Vergesso Asteroids, which was on the verge of falling to an Imperial assault. After the Rebellion experienced an attack from mercenaries claiming association with the Sullustans, Ace and Aeron were assigned the task of locating their base, as their freighters would attract less attention than an Alliance warship. They successfully located the base (after an incidental visit to an Imperial Test firing facility in the Carida system, facilitated by manipulated nav logs), only to discover that it was their former home station. With the mission now personal, the Alliance encountered no difficulty in enlisting Aeron and Emon to assist in reclaiming the station and exposing the mercenaries. During the battle, Emon identified his uncle Antan's personal vessel fleeing the mercenary base. Ace also retrieved the Azzameen Family Crest during this operation and displayed it in his quarters as part of his collection.

However, they lacked the time to further investigate their suspicions; shortly after the battle, Antan informed them that Thomaas and Galin had been captured by the Imperials at the Rebel hospital and transported to a space station orbiting Kessel. Despite their attempts to rescue them, they were unsuccessful: an Imperial Star Destroyer emerged from hyperspace, and Antan revealed that he had lured his family into a trap as part of a pact with the Empire. He made his escape, as did his niece and nephews, aided by Dunari. Ace would later participate in the Battle of Endor.

The Azzameen family possessed and managed a variety of spacecraft, including two YT-1300 light freighters: named Sabra and Selu, along with the YT-2000 light freighter known as Otana. The family also owned the Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft Andrasta, the GR-75 medium transport Vasudra, the modified Action IV transport Big Score, and multiple Toscan 8-Q starfighters.

Family tree

