A conflict involving hired guns and the Alliance to Restore the Republic occurred in 3 ABY. The outcome was the reclamation of Azzameen Station.
Leading up to the pivotal Battle of Endor, the Rebel Alliance sought assistance from their allies within the Bothan Spynet to gather intelligence regarding the operational status of the Death Star II, which the Galactic Empire was constructing for use against the Alliance. The Bothans were happy to help their allies, so a meeting was scheduled between the two groups. They were to convene at a secluded location in space aboard the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Liberty and the Bothan Dreadnaught Tal'cara.
Regrettably for both sides, an enigmatic contact working with the Empire devised a scheme to fracture the Alliance by sowing discord among its members, thereby diminishing the Alliance's capacity to confront the Empire directly at Endor. This contact engaged a substantial group of mercenaries to assault the two Alliance ships during the diplomatic meeting, but the Rebels ultimately succeeded in repelling them. A captive taken during the battle asserted that their employers were the Sullustans, who were prominent Alliance members. Many of the mercenary vessels bore the logo of SoroSuub, a well-known Sullustan manufacturer. This generated considerable tension between the Bothans and the Sullustans, prompting the Alliance to launch an investigation into these allegations.
Leveraging information gleaned from the captured mercenary, the Alliance determined that they could locate the mercenary base by tracking one of their starships, the Redhawk, during a routine cargo transfer. Alliance pilot Ace Azzameen and his sister Aeron volunteered to undertake the reconnaissance mission, and eventually uncovered the mercenary base. To their astonishment, this base turned out to be their home base, now rechristened Falcon's Nest, having apparently been sold by Viraxo Industries, the shipping firm that captured the base. Armed with this critical intelligence, the Alliance planned an assault on the Azzameen Home Base to restore it to Azzameen control.
The Rebel strike force consisted of several X-wings from Red Squadron and a squadron of B-wings from Gold Squadron, supported by the Azzameen family in the form of the Otana and the Firespray-class gunship Andrasta, owned by Emon Azzameen. The Alliance transport Storm Unit was to remain in reserve until the Rebel pilots had cleared the base perimeter. The strike force jumped to the Azzameen Home Base and prepared for an immediate attack.
The Rebels entered the system and quickly engaged the mercenary fighter screen, which included several squadrons of Preybirds, CloakShape fighters, Skipray Blastboats, and IRD starfighters. The station was also protected by several Gun Emplacements, the Marauder-class corvette Plague, and the Redhawk. The Rebel squadrons divided and engaged the mercenaries, destroying numerous fighters and proceeding to disable the Gun Emplacements. During the battle, the Action IV transport Big Score, belonging to Antan Azzameen, was observed in the area and managed to jump to hyperspace before it could be intercepted. Shortly thereafter, a Sullustan shuttle fled the station and also evaded capture. These unexpected events surprised the Rebels and the Azzameens, and suggested that Antan Azzameen and the Sullustans were collaborating with these mercenary forces in the campaign against the Bothans.
The Rebels and their Azzameen allies ultimately destroyed the Plague and the Redhawk, and were eliminating the remaining enemy fighters. Storm Unit arrived and commenced its assault on the station. While they secured the station, the Rebels repelled new waves of enemy fighters arriving to reinforce the station's depleted defenses. The Rebel commandos ultimately secured the station, but were shocked to discover that the mercenaries had initiated the self-destruct sequence, meaning that the base would be destroyed within three minutes. Aeron immediately docked to the station with the Otana, being the only one who knew the station's abort code. Her brothers and their Alliance allies finally cleared out the surviving mercenary forces outside, and with less than a minute remaining, the station was saved from destruction. The station was now firmly under Rebel control, and would soon be transferred back to Twin Suns Transport Services.
The Battle of Azzameen Home Base resulted in the swift and complete destruction of the mercenary group that occupied the base, and the facility was eventually returned to Azzameen control. However, the presence of Sullustans on the base exacerbated the tensions between them and the Bothans, further encouraging a split in the Alliance. Antan Azzameen's presence at the station aroused the suspicions of his family, who became determined to confront their uncle.
It was eventually revealed by the Sullustans that they had planted spies onto the Azzameen Home Base in an attempt to capture the mercenary leader. They succeeded in their mission and presented their prize to their Rebel allies. With evidence that the Sullustans had no active involvement in the conspiracy, the Sullustans were cleared of any wrongdoings and peace was reestablished between them and the Bothans, thus preserving the Alliance.
In a private meeting with his surviving family, Antan Azzameen confessed that he had made a deal with the Empire to instigate war between the Bothans and the Sullustans by hiring the mercenary band that attacked the Tal'cara. He claimed that he did it in order to secure the safety of Tomaas and Galin Azzameen, the siblings' father and brother who had supposedly been killed by the Empire in an earlier engagement. He led his family to Kessel where they intended to rescue their relatives, only to reveal that he had in fact willingly surrendered his family to the Empire in exchange for his freedom. The siblings were able to escape capture thanks to their old family friend Dunari, but Antan supposedly escaped. His ultimate fate remains unknown.
The battle ultimately ensured that the Alliance remained strong and intact in the wake of its imminent showdown with the Empire at the Battle of Endor.