Antan Azzameen

A Human male named Antan Azzameen was the brother of Tomaas Azzameen. During the Galactic Civil War, he co-founded the shipping company known as Twin Suns Transport Services. In contrast to his brother, niece, and nephews, who were involved with the Rebellion, he chose to align himself with the Galactic Empire.


Rumor had it that Antan, earlier in his life, engaged in a duel with a prince from Jar'Kai and emerged victorious. As a result, he obtained a pair of swords, which he cherished greatly. Unlike his brother, who had four children, Antan never became a father. He often expressed that Ace was a fine young man.

When Tomaas and Galin arrived at Twin Sun Station aboard the Otana following a confrontation with Imperials at Hoth, Antan denied them repairs. He knew they had the capability to reach home on their own. Given the long queue of customers awaiting repairs, Antan was unwilling to prioritize his own family, particularly as it was uncertain whether the Imperials had identified the Otana.

Upon discovering that Ace had found spice in a cargo hold left behind by the Enkidu, a Viraxo vessel, Antan devised a strategy to turn the Viraxo's scheme against them. He planned to deliver the spice to Viraxo 54, then provoke an Imperial investigation that would uncover the illicit substance. However, the planned outcome did not materialize, and the Selu was lost. After Tomaas and Galin disappeared while delivering bacta to the Rebels, he and Emon Azzameen set out to salvage what they could from their storage facilities. During this endeavor, Antan was captured by the Viraxo, although Emon successfully escaped. After Ace joined the Rebellion, Emon learned that Antan was being held on an XQ5 Platform known as Viraxo Industries. Emon and Ace rescued Antan from the platform, and as a reward, Antan gifted Ace his treasured Jar'Kai dueling sabers. He also participated in the plot to kill K'Armyn Viraxo aboard the Highroller, but inadvertently led Ace and Emon into a trap, from which they managed to escape.

Subsequently, Antan e-mailed Ace, requesting information about the Rebellion's movements under the guise of "avoiding any Rebel and Imperial encounters in his travels." This request aroused suspicion among the siblings. Their suspicions intensified when the Rebels attacked the Azzameen home base, which had been sold to a mercenary group that was harassing the Bothans. The Azzameens observed Antan's ship, the Big Score, operating in the area while they were on a mission to reclaim the station.

The whereabouts of Antan Azzameen during the intervening period remained unclear, but he eventually contacted Ace and Aeron, promising to explain his presence. He also implored them to assist him in rescuing their captured family members, Tomaas and Galin, claiming to be the leader of the mercenary group attempting to fracture the Alliance in exchange for Tomaas and Galin's lives. After the Andrasta and Otana followed the Big Score to a Golan III platform near Kessel called Kessel Station, Antan betrayed Ace, Aeron, and Emon to the Empire. This act, ostensibly in exchange for a pardon for his alleged crimes, demonstrated a complete disregard for his family. The Azzameen siblings managed to defend themselves against the approaching TIE fighters until their family friend Dunari unexpectedly arrived and aided their escape from the ambush.

Personality and traits

Antan Azzameen inside Twin Sun Station's command center

Unlike the rest of the Azzameen family, Antan displayed minimal, if any, sympathy for the Rebel cause. He was deeply uncomfortable with his family's involvement in business dealings with, or membership of, the Rebel Alliance. He was prepared to deny assistance to his family members or challenge their ideas in support of the Rebels. However, Antan harbored a deep resentment towards the Viraxo. He looked down on Tomaas's attempts to negotiate with them. It was only when a Rebel mission involved stealing warheads from the Viraxo, destined for the Empire, that he agreed to offer assistance to the Rebels.

Antan was capable of formulating astute plans, but they occasionally went awry. Examples include the attack on Viraxo 54, which resulted in the loss of the Selu, and the assault on the Highroller, where K'Armyn Viraxo somehow anticipated Antan's plan and attempted to thwart it, endangering Ace and Emon.

He was willing to strike deals with the Empire to protect himself, even at the expense of his remaining family.

