K'Armyn Viraxo served as the leader of the Viraxo family and also presided over Viraxo Shipping, a major shipping enterprise (also known as Viraxo Industries); he was the Viraxo family's patriarch.
His aggressive methods, combined with his regular reliance on coercion and threats in his business dealings, allowed him to accumulate significant wealth within the shipping industry. He maintained connections with the criminal syndicate Black Sun and was even said to have resorted to blackmail against an Imperial Moff.
Throughout the Rebellion era, K'Armyn Viraxo engaged in an escalating and acrimonious feud with the Azzameen family, the owners of Twin Suns Transport Services, a rival company to Viraxo's. He faced accusations of involvement in the demise of both Tomaas Azzameen and Galin Azzameen, and he made multiple attempts to end the lives of the remaining Azzameen family members.
In one particular confrontation between the two families, K'Armyn's luxury vessel, the Highroller, was ambushed in the vicinity of Destreg II by the Azzameen's ships, the Andrasta and the Otana. Luckily for Viraxo, he had received prior warning and was not present on the yacht during the young outlaws' assault, although his yacht was completely destroyed.