Highroller, a Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 from SoroSuub Corporation, belonged to K'Armyn Viraxo.
In the context of an ongoing family dispute, Emon and Ace Azzameen obliterated the Viraxo family's Highroller during a skirmish at Destreg II. This act was in retaliation for the deaths of their father, Tomaas Azzameen, and older brother, Galin Azzameen.
The Azzameen brothers believed that K'Armyn Viraxo would be aboard at the time of their assault. However, K'Armyn had caught wind of their scheme through his ears, and he capitalized on the chance to set up his own counter-ambush. At the start of the Azzameens' attack, the yacht's defenses were minimal, consisting only of a handful of R-41 Starchasers. After the Azzameens initiated the fight, Viraxo's forces received backup from Muurian transports and additional starfighters. Despite this, the Azzameen family triumphed, leaving the Highroller as nothing more than burning wreckage.
The ship's wheel from the destroyed Pleasure Yacht Highroller. As a prize, Ace Azzameen recovered the decorative ship's wheel and replaced the Viraxo crest with the Azzameen family's emblem.