Assassination attempt on K'Armyn Viraxo

In the year 3 ABY, a failed attempt to assassinate K'Armyn Viraxo was orchestrated by the Azzameen family.

After the Viraxo family's cooperation with the Galactic Empire resulted in the seizure and shutdown of the Azzameen family's business, Twin Suns Transport Services, Antan Azzameen, the remaining head of the Azzameen family, spearheaded a campaign to obliterate the Viraxo and regain their lost assets. To achieve this, Antan Azzameen acquired intel suggesting that K'Armyn Viraxo, his counterpart as the Viraxo family patriarch and leader of Viraxo Industries, would be traveling through the Destreg system with a light guard. Recognizing an opportunity to strike his adversary when vulnerable, Antan recruited his nephews, Ace Azzameen and Emon Azzameen, to ambush Viraxo's yacht, named the Highroller.

The Azzameens' plan backfired, as it turned out to be a setup. The Highroller was being operated remotely, and K'Armyn Viraxo was not present. Instead of the small escort the Azzameen pilots anticipated, they were confronted by two Muurian transports protected by eight Z-95 Headhunters and an Imperial gunboat squadron that arrived to intercept them. The Azzameens barely managed to escape the Destreg system with their lives intact.

Before their retreat, Ace Azzameen communicated a message to the Viraxo. He destroyed the unoccupied Highroller, and he claimed the ship's steering wheel as a token of their encounter. Despite the failed intelligence that led to the debacle, Antan apologized, expressing confidence that the Azzameens' display of strength would give the Viraxo pause before provoking them again.


Origin Story

In 3 ABY, not long after the Battle of Hoth, Tomaas Azzameen, who was in charge of Twin Suns Transport Services, was killed alongside his son Galin while providing black market bacta to the Rebellion. As punishment for this act of treason against the Galactic Empire, the family's enterprise and other possessions were confiscated, and arrest orders were issued for the Azzameen survivors.

The Azzameens raced against time to salvage as many assets as possible, contending with both Imperial forces and their longstanding rivals, the Viraxo, who collaborated with the Imperials against them. While Antan and Emon Azzameen were recovering cargo from a Twin Suns storage facility, a joint Imperial-Viraxo force apprehended Antan, now the family's surviving leader, and nearly captured Emon as well. Concurrently, a Viraxo CR90 corvette joined an Imperial contingent in seizing Twin Suns Station, the family's repair yard, and attempted to capture Aeron Azzameen and Ace Azzameen as they retrieved a stash of warheads stored at that location.

Ace and Aeron Azzameen met up with their brother Emon at their home base, Azzameen Station, only to discover it under assault by an Imperial task force commanded by Admiral Garreth Holtz, augmented by additional Viraxo forces. The three young Azzameen family members were forced to escape into hyperspace, guided by coordinates provided by Olin Garn, a Rebel friend of Aeron's. They found refuge with Rebel Admiral Nammo of the Defiance Task Force. From this temporary sanctuary, Aeron and Emon embarked on a mission to consolidate the remaining Azzameen assets and establish a temporary operational base, while Ace Azzameen chose to remain and join the Rebellion. Soon after, Emon Azzameen dispatched MK-09 to retrieve Ace from the Defiance to carry out a rescue operation for Antan Azzameen from the Viraxo Industries platform. Following the successful liberation of their uncle, Antan Azzameen informed the boys that he would soon contact them with strategies for retaliation.

Not long after the Defiance Task Force executed an operation that greatly humiliated Admiral Holtz, the Imperial commander who was persecuting the family, Antan Azzameen kept his word. He reached out to his niece and nephews, summoning them to the provisional Azzameen base to deliberate a plan for vengeance against the Viraxo.

The Destreg System Ambush

The Fallout

Behind the Curtain

The attempted murder of K'Armyn Viraxo is exclusively depicted in the personal computer game Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance, which was created for LucasArts by Totally Games and released on February 28, 1999. The mission's main objective is simply to "inspect" the Highroller, which entails approaching within half a kilometer according to the game engine's calculations, and then making an escape. However, eliminating all Viraxo ships is presented as a "bonus goal" in the scenario, and the official strategy guide, written primarily from MK-09's perspective, assumes that the Azzameens will destroy both the Viraxo and the bounty hunter forces before fleeing from the Imperials.

This mission, like most in X-Wing Alliance, lacks a specific date in the game or associated materials. Its timing can only be inferred from the events that precede and follow it, which have been specifically dated, situating it in 3 ABY because the entirety of X-Wing Alliance unfolds after the Battle of Hoth, an event generally agreed to have occurred in 3 ABY, as confirmed by The Essential Atlas. The assassination attempt also takes place before a series of missions in X-Wing Alliance that connect to the Shadows of the Empire meta-series, which The New Essential Chronology dates to "3.5 ABY".

X-Wing Alliance was incorporated into the continuity now recognized as "Legends" alongside the majority of Star Wars content created before April 25, 2014. As it was the last installment in the X-Wing series and with LucasArts now defunct, the destinies of the Azzameen and Viraxo families are likely to remain unresolved.

