Olin Garn

Olin Garn, a pilot of freighters and a bounty hunter, frequently collaborated with Twin Suns Transport Services during the Galactic Civil War. He became close friends with Aeron Azzameen while working for the Azzameen family, and was soon regarded as a member of the family. By the time the Battle of Hoth occurred in 3 ABY, Garn chose to enlist in the Alliance to Restore the Republic, becoming a pilot within the Alliance Starfighter Corps. Maintaining contact with the Azzameens, he acted as their point of contact when Aeron's father, Tomaas, arranged for a shipment of bacta to be delivered to the Rebellion. Shortly afterward, the Galactic Empire killed Tomaas and his eldest son, Galin, leading to the surviving family members being branded as traitors. When Tomaas's children, Aeron, Emon, and Ace, sought refuge with the Alliance, Garn endorsed them and suggested Ace Azzameen for training as a starfighter pilot.

In the months preceding the Battle of Endor, Garn was stationed aboard the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Liberty. During this period, he fought alongside Ace Azzameen in several operations, which included capturing the Imperial spy Kupalo, rescuing Bothan operatives whose ship had been seized by the Star Destroyer Accuser, and escorting the Star Cruisers Independence and Defiance as they met with the Alliance Fleet near Sullust.


Joining the Rebellion

During the reign of Emperor Palpatine, Olin Garn, a Human male, made his living as a freelance bounty hunter and pilot of freighters. At the beginning of the Galactic Civil War, he was working under contract for Antan Azzameen and Tomaas, who owned the shipping firm Twin Suns Transport Services. His work for the Azzameen family led to a strong friendship with Aeron, Tomaas's daughter, with the family eventually regarding him as one of their own.

As the Battle of Hoth approached in 3 ABY, Garn decided to discontinue his work with the Azzameens and join the Alliance to Restore the Republic. His experience piloting freighters allowed him to become a pilot within the Alliance Starfighter Corps, where he was assigned to the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Defiance with the rank of lieutenant. Due to his infrequent leave, he had little time to spend with Aeron, but he maintained contact with her via e-mail, providing her with the coordinates of the Alliance Fleet in case she needed to reach him urgently. Shortly after his departure, he contacted Ace, Tomaas's youngest son, requesting that he watch over Aeron and encouraging the young pilot to hone his skills and consider joining the Rebellion. Upon learning of increased Imperial activity in the area, Garn contacted the Azzameens again, cautioning them to be vigilant for any potential trouble.

Reunion with the Azzameens

Olin Garn's T-65 X-wing starfighter

After the Battle of Hoth, during which Rebel forces were compelled to evacuate their base on Hoth by Imperial forces under Darth Vader's command, the Alliance dispatched many of the battle's wounded to their XQ2 Platform Hospital for medical attention. Having previously encountered difficulties with smuggler groups, the Rebels approached Tomaas Azzameen to act as an intermediary in acquiring a supply of black market bacta to treat the injured. After obtaining the bacta from their supplier, the Azzameens arranged for its delivery to the Alliance. Given his familiarity with the family, Garn was selected as their contact, and a meeting was scheduled at Brint-wo Colony. Piloting a lone T-65 X-wing starfighter, Garn met with the Azzameens and guided them to Hospital. However, the pilot had little time to reconnect with his friends, and he returned to hyperspace as Tomaas's ship, the GR-75 medium transport Vasudra, began transferring its cargo to Hospital. Shortly after Garn's departure, the cargo transfer was interrupted by the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Corrupter. The Rebels, along with Emon Azzameen and Ace, who had been escorting their father, were forced to evacuate, but the Vasudra could not escape, resulting in the deaths of both Galin Azzameen and Tomaas.

The Empire swiftly declared the entire Azzameen family as traitors and issued an arrest warrant. The remaining family members attempted to flee to the Outer Rim, but Antan was captured during an attack by their rivals, the Viraxo. With limited options, Tomaas's three surviving children, Emon, Aeron, and Ace, decided to seek sanctuary with the Rebel Alliance. Using the coordinates Garn had provided to Aeron, the Azzameens located the Defiance and were granted permission to dock. Despite some suspicion surrounding the group due to recent events, Garn vouched for them, and his superiors agreed to offer them refuge. While the elder Azzameen children soon departed in search of their uncle, Garn was impressed by Ace's achievement of his first Imperial kill during the skirmish at Hospital and decided to recommend him for training as a starfighter pilot. Following Garn's recommendation, Commander Devers, the Defiance's tactical officer, arranged for Azzameen to participate in simulated combat trials.

Garn was assigned as Azzameen's instructor for both trials. The first evaluated his performance in deep space strike missions, utilizing a BTL Y-wing starfighter to carry out a series of bombing raids against Imperial targets. The second trial assessed Azzameen's dogfighting skills against Imperial starfighters, both individually and alongside other Alliance pilots from Green Squadron, including Garn. As part of this, the Rebel pilots engaged TIE fighters launched from the Victory-class Star Destroyer Marut. Garn later commended Azzameen's relentless attacks on the Star Destroyer itself. Impressed by Azzameen's performance in both trials, Garn cleared him for active duty.

Transfer to the Liberty

Shortly thereafter, the Alliance transferred several pilots from the Defiance to the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Liberty to replace those lost in a recent operation. Garn and Azzameen were among those sent to serve on the Liberty. Unbeknownst to the Rebels, the Liberty's tactical officer, Commander Kupalo, who had been captured by the Empire at Hoth, had been brainwashed to serve as an Imperial agent and had been feeding information to the Empire since his recent rescue by Alliance forces. After the Liberty oversaw the defection of Commander Zaletta to the Alliance, Kupalo revealed his true nature by stealing Zaletta's Lambda-class T-4a shuttle AA-23 and attempting to return it to the Empire before the Rebels could examine the information contained in its computer. Kupalo was able to destroy three X-wings which were sent to intercept him and escaped into hyperspace. Garn and Azzameen were quickly scrambled and sent after him in RZ-1 A-wing interceptors with orders to prevent him from reaching Imperial forces and to ensure his recapture.

Garn engages an Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wing.

The Rebel pilots pursued Kupalo through a series of jump points, but each time they approached his shuttle, Kupalo released homing mines to delay them while he jumped to hyperspace. When they finally caught up with him, the Rebels emerged from hyperspace some distance from Kupalo's shuttle moments before Imperial Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wings arrived in the area. Garn, leading the mission, moved to intercept the Assault Gunboats and ordered Azzameen to continue the pursuit of Kupalo. When Kupalo ignored Garn's order to stand down, Azzameen fired on the fleeing shuttle, causing damage to its hull and forcing the commander to surrender. The Alliance's Storm Unit arrived aboard their assault transport to board and capture the shuttle, but the operation was interrupted by the arrival of the Star Destroyer Imperator, which began launching TIEs. However, Garn and Azzameen were able to hold off the Imperial starfighters long enough for Storm Unit to capture the shuttle. After Storm Unit departed, the Rebel pilots followed them back to the Liberty. Garn and Azzameen were highly praised by their superiors, including Admiral Yamarus, for their part in Kupalo's capture.

Following Kupalo's recapture, Garn informed Aeron that Ororo Transportation's base in the Vergesso Asteroids was critically short of supplies and was willing to pay a high price to anybody who could deliver them. Based on this information, Aeron and Ace launched an operation to steal supplies from the Viraxo industrial complex VXO-33274. Aeron decided to remain at Vergesso Base for a while, but Garn soon learned that it had come under Imperial attack and, unaware that Aeron was aboard the station, warned Ace to stay away from the asteroid field. Ace was able to reach the base in time and rescue his sister.

Zaletta, who had taken Kupalo's place as the Liberty's tactical officer, provided intelligence indicating that several large convoys had been traveling to a large Imperial construction project and that one such convoy would soon be passing through the Eidoloni system. In order to ascertain the nature of the project, Alliance High Command ordered a reconnaissance flight. Flying as Blue Leader, with Azzameen as his wingmate in a pair of A-wings, Garn was dispatched to the Eidoloni system with orders to determine the composition and cargo of the convoy. The Rebels arrived shortly before the convoy—several Xizor Transport Systems freighters escorted by the Victory II-class Star Destroyers Protector and Vanguard, along with the Lancer-class frigates Furious and Black Hawk. When TIE Avengers moved to intercept the Rebel fighters, Garn engaged them, successfully keeping most of the Imperial fighters occupied while Azzameen scanned the convoy. Their assignment complete, the two Rebels chose to disengage and returned to the Liberty.

Countdown to Endor

The convoy's cargo of durasteel and other raw materials led Alliance High Command to suspect that the Empire was constructing a new base of operations or shipyard, and uncovering the nature of the project was made a top priority. Information provided by the Black Sun crime syndicate eventually led the Rebels to the Endor system, where the Empire was constructing a second Death Star battle station. Bothan spies were sent to the Endor system to gather information about the construction site, but as they were returning to the Alliance Fleet, their ships were stopped, along with several civilian vessels, by the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Accuser and the Immobilizer 418 cruiser Grappler. Admiral Yamarus, commander of the Liberty, dispatched three X-wings from Gold Squadron and three A-wings from Red Squadron to attack the Grappler in order to allow the Bothans to escape.

Garn fires a proton torpedo at the Immobilizer 418 cruiser Grappler.

Arriving in the area as the Accuser began searching the waiting vessels, Garn, commanding the X-wings, feared that the Rebels had arrived too late to rescue the Bothan ships. Nevertheless, he ordered his group to target the Grappler and launch their proton torpedoes. Though the Rebels came under attack from Imperial fighters, Garn's group continued their attack until the Grappler was forced to withdraw. Seeing their chance to flee, the Bothan and civilian ships attempted to escape to hyperspace, prompting the Accuser to open fire on them and kill many of the Bothans. The Rebel fighters fought TIE/sa bombers launched by the Accuser until the surviving Bothans left the area. With their mission complete, the Rebels returned to the Liberty.

After learning that the Death Star was not yet completed and that Emperor Palpatine was due to oversee the final stages of construction, the Alliance Fleet began to gather near Sullust in preparation for a major offensive against the battlestation. Garn's duties temporarily led him away from the Liberty, but he made sure to return before the anticipated battle. As the Empire searched for the Rebel forces, the Liberty received word that the task forces led by the Mon Calamari Star Cruisers Defiance and Independence had both been involved in skirmishes with Imperial patrols. With the arrival of both task forces vital to the Alliance's plans, Garn was sent to lead a group of four A-wings from Gold Squadron in seeing them safely to their last hyperspace jump on the way to Sullust.

The group first rendezvoused with the Defiance Task Force shortly before the arrival of the Victory-class Star Destroyer Vagrant and the Carrack-class light cruisers Nexus and Xerxes. The X-wings intercepted TIE bombers and Assault Gunboats, preventing them from launching torpedoes at the Defiance until it and its task force jumped to hyperspace. With no time to waste, Garn led the group back to the Liberty and made another jump to join Admiral Gial Ackbar's task force. When they arrived, the Star Destroyers Immortal, Protector, and Vanguard were already in the area and launching TIE bombers against the Independence. Garn's group fought off several waves of bombers, only returning to the Liberty once the Independence and its escorts escaped.

Personality and traits

Aeron Azzameen

Garn was a competent pilot, the abilities he developed flying freighters serving him well after joining the Rebels, where he was frequently selected to lead combat missions. He was a firm believer in the Rebel cause and felt that ending Imperial tyranny for all was more important than any personal desire for revenge. Though his work required him to take the lives of others, Garn was able to overcome any remorse for his actions by reminding himself what he was fighting for, and recommended that Ace Azzameen do the same after he joined the Alliance. Garn was always eager to be involved in combat missions and, when his duties led him away from the Liberty shortly before the Battle of Endor, he made sure to return before the Rebels launched their assault on the Death Star. In a combat situation, Garn could remain composed even when faced with vastly superior firepower. Garn regularly tested his abilities against his peers in the pilot proving grounds and posted times that compared well to some of the Alliance's best pilots.

During his time contracting for the Azzameen family, Garn became close with both Aeron and Ace. After leaving to join the Rebels, he stayed in touch with both, encouraging Ace to practice his piloting in the hopes that the youngest Azzameen would one day join him in fighting the Empire and asking Ace to watch over Aeron in his absence. Garn's relationship with Aeron was made difficult by his decision to join the Rebellion; his duties left him little leave time to visit her. When the Azzameens fled to the Alliance after the death of their father and brother, Garn convinced his superiors that they could be trusted and was instrumental in helping Ace to be accepted as a starfighter pilot. The Azzameen family's MK-series maintenance droid MK-09 considered Garn reliable and less stubborn than Ace, and believed that Garn would help to keep him out of trouble.

Behind the scenes

Olin Garn was created for the 1999 LucasArts video game Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance, in which he was voiced by Steven Jay Blum. The character served as a friend and wingmate of the player, in the role of Ace Azzameen. Due to Garn's role in the game's story, his starfighter is set as indestructible in the missions in which he is featured. The character's backstory was expanded in a short biography in the game's manual and on the LucasArts website. The biography also contained the only image of the character to date.

