Battle of Hospital

The clash known as the Battle of Hospital unfolded between the military arms of the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic around 3 ABY, following the events of the Battle of Hoth. This Imperial triumph led to the demise of Tomaas Azzameen and Galin Azzameen, who were providing support to the rebellion during the assault.


Sometime after the Galactic Empire's victory on Hoth, the Rebel hospital was established. Due to the significant number of injured Alliance members resulting from the evacuation of Echo Base, the Hospital was designated as a treatment center for these casualties. To support their war-weary allies, the Azzameen family committed to delivering a supply of bacta to the facility, sourced from the black market. Despite the cargo transfer between the Azzameens and their pirate contacts proving to be a trap, the Azzameens successfully acquired the bacta and immediately transported it to the station aboard the Vasudra, one of the Azzameen family's medium-sized transport vessels. Tomaas Azzameen and Galin piloted the Vasudra, while Emon and Ace acted as escorts in separate ships.


As soon as the Vasudra had docked, the Azzameen family initiated the process of transferring the bacta into the station. Regrettably, the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Corrupter along with two Lancer-class frigates, identified as the Cascade and Blue Hawk, entered the area through hyperspace and promptly launched an assault on the Rebels. The Rebel forces could only muster the MC40a light cruiser Shadow and a quartet of X-wings for defense. Recognizing the unfavorable odds, the Rebels immediately commenced the evacuation of Hospital. Emon and Ace entered the fray aboard the Andrasta and the Otana, respectively, striving to delay the Imperial offensive until all vessels had managed to escape. Concerned that the Rebels might accuse them of orchestrating an Imperial ambush, Tomaas and Galin started reloading the bacta and assisting in the evacuation of wounded Rebels from the station. In the ensuing chaos, the Corrupter and its escort ships closed in on the Rebels, their combined firepower nearly overwhelming the small fighter screen protecting the evacuees. Simultaneously, multiple squadrons of TIE Bombers concentrated their attacks on the Shadow, aiming to eliminate the sole defensive Rebel warship in the vicinity while TIE Fighters engaged the X-wings. Nevertheless, despite the overwhelming Imperial advantage in numbers, the Rebels and the Azzameens managed to eliminate numerous Imperial pilots and facilitate the escape of many Rebel ships carrying supplies, troops, and the wounded. However, their efforts could only postpone the inevitable, as the Corrupter deployed several Gamma-class ATR-6 assault transports filled with Stormtroopers, accompanied by Assault Gunboats, to attack Hospital and any remaining transport vessels in the area. Despite the determined defense, the Vasudra was caught in an ambush as it departed the station, resulting in its destruction by the Imperials. It is presumed that Tomaas and Galin perished in the subsequent explosion. Emon and Ace shielded the remaining ships before retreating to the colony on Brint-wo to return home. The Imperials eliminated the remaining Rebel forces and then seized control of Hospital. Nonetheless, the Azzameens succeeded in rescuing at least 66% of the base personnel before their departure. Ace Azzamen also managed to recover some debris left behind by a destroyed TIE fighter and kept it as a souvenir.


Although the Azzameen brothers survived, the loss of Tomaas and Galin had a devastating impact on the family. Antan Azzameen promptly assumed leadership of Twin Suns Transport Services, and the family mourned their loss. However, the family faced numerous long-term repercussions. The Rebels developed a sense of distrust towards the Azzameens, suspecting that they had intentionally led the Imperials to the hidden station through a fabricated cargo transfer. While the identity of the individual responsible for the Imperials' discovery of the site remains unclear, it is established that the Azzameens were not at fault. However, before they could prove their innocence, the Imperials discovered the Azzameens' involvement with the Rebels and proceeded to shut down Twin Suns Transport Services. The Azzameens managed to salvage their most valuable possessions and employees before nearly all of their assets, including Azzameen Station, were confiscated by Imperial and Viraxo forces. The Viraxo, who were the Azzameens' primary business competitors, were granted control of the majority of the bases, prompting the Azzameens to seek asylum with the Rebel Alliance. Despite the Azzameens eventually regaining the trust of their allies thanks to family friend and Rebel pilot Olin Garn, Antan Azzameen was captured and would not be rescued until a later time. Ace Azzameen eventually became a Rebel pilot, fighting in memory of his father and brother and for their dying company.

Behind the scenes

The specific Rebel ships that were destroyed remains ambiguous. It is established that at least 66% of the personnel escaped the hospital, but the identity of the escaping ships depends on the player's actions and the behavior of the AI-controlled fighters.

It is possible for the player to achieve a 100% escape rate, meaning that all of the Rebel ships escaped. This excludes the Vasudra, which was intended to be destroyed. This also excludes the patrolling X-wings.

The names of some of the ships appear to be allusions to renowned American film directors who happen to be siblings, such as Coen (Coen brothers), Farrelly (Farrelly brothers), and Raimi (Raimi brothers).

