Shadow functioned as an MC40a light cruiser and fought for the Rebel Alliance throughout the Galactic Civil War.

The Rebel hospital received it as an assignment, providing protection for wounded rebels who were recovering from the Hoth evacuation. During the time that Tomaas Azzameen, flying the Vasudra, was en route delivering bacta to the Rebels, the Star Destroyer known as the Corrupter, along with the Lancer-class frigates Cascade and Blue Hawk, emerged from hyperspace. They initiated a TIE Bomber attack on the hospital. Subsequently, Shadow participated in the hurried defense of the station, confronting the Corrupter and successfully delaying the enemy long enough for at least two-thirds of the station's staff and patients to evacuate.
The ultimate destiny of Shadow remains uncertain due to the game mechanics of X-wing Alliance. The vessel's survival or destruction is contingent on various circumstances determined by random AI events and the player's choices. Further complicating the matter is the absence of Shadow in later parts of the XWA campaign and in any other media.