VXO-33274 constituted an Industrial complex owned by Viraxo Industries.
Contemporaneously, Aeron Azzameen along with Ace Azzameen had designs to assault this installation, aiming to seize provisions for the Rebel Alliance outpost nestled within the Vergesso Asteroids, coinciding with the planned escort of a supply convoy to the complex by the Marauder-class corvette named Charybdis.
At the outset, they eliminated the IPV-1 System Patrol Craft designated Scylla, in addition to the Supa Fighters tasked with the complex's defense. Nevertheless, while the Azzameen transport vessels, specifically the Juno and Lara groups, were in the process of recovering resources for the Rebels, the Charybdis materialized, bringing with it a squadron of Razor-class starfighters, and proceeded to engage both Azzameen fleets with intent to destroy. Ace successfully neutralized the corvette and its escort fighters, enabling the Azzameen contingent to flee the star system.