The IPV-1 System Patrol Craft, alternatively referred to as the Imperial patrol vessel, Imperial patrol vehicle, or the IPV-1-class corvette, served as a typical vessel for security and customs enforcement near planets in star systems, with the primary purpose of intercepting smugglers and providing a defense against piracy. Republic Sienar Systems was the manufacturer of this craft.
Due to their exceptional speed and agility, these patrol craft were deployed in Republic, and subsequently Imperial, sectors when larger capital ships were not available. They were considered the initial line of defense against smugglers and groups attempting to incite rebellion within a system. They depended on their velocity to overtake, incapacitate, or destroy enemy vessels. The presence of these craft in a sector correlated with a significant decrease in pirate activity. However, numerous IPV-1s were captured by pirates and criminal organizations, who then used them to fortify their hidden bases.

Without a hyperdrive, the IPV-1 operated along pre-determined routes, specifically targeting known smuggling corridors. Their primary mission was to uphold peace and order for the galactic government within its controlled territories.
To effectively fulfill their role, these patrol ships were equipped with four Taim & Bak XV7 turbolasers, along with a single Krupx VL-4a warhead launcher.
At one point, the IPV-1 became the most ubiquitous warship within the Imperial Navy. Formations of up to 24 IPVs formed skirmish lines, safeguarding systems that necessitated a continuous Imperial presence.
The Alliance to Restore the Republic is also documented to have acquired these vessels through various commercial channels.
One such craft was present on Jerrilek during the rescue operation involving Chel Dorat.
During the Thrawn campaign, Niles Ferrier successfully absconded with three IPV-1 System Patrol Craft from the Cavrilhu Pirates located in the Amorris system, intending to sell them to the Empire.
Starships of the Galaxy stated that these starships were initially produced for the Republic, bearing the designation "Independent Patrol Vehicle." Under the Empire, the name was altered to "Imperial Patrol Vehicle," but the design of the ships themselves remained unchanged.
In the video games Star Wars: Empire at War and Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption, IPV-1s can be constructed at pirate docks, but not at Imperial bases. They are also frequently observed within Black Sun pirate fleets that are in orbit around pirate-controlled planets in the "Galactic Conquest" mode of Empire at War.
The spelling of IPV-1 was incorrectly rendered as IVP-1 in both Loyalties and Starships of the Galaxy, Saga Edition.