Starships of the Galaxy (Saga Edition)

title: Starships of the Galaxy

Authored by Owen K.C. Stephens, Gary Astleford, and Rodney Thompson, Starships of the Galaxy serves as a resource book for the Saga Edition of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. It saw its release on December 18, 2007. This book presents a revised and updated iteration of the initial Starships of the Galaxy, aligning its rules with those of the new Saga Edition.

Publisher's Synopsis

It's the quickest pile of garbage in the cosmos!

Across the entire Star Wars narrative, interstellar conflicts have shaped the destinies of planets and redirected the flow of galactic events. These clashes create the backdrop where heroes encounter their fates, with triumph and honor – or demise and failure – lying within the reach of a turbolaser blast.

Contents Include:

*Almost 100 starships, with stats and details, from across every era of Star Wars.

*Fresh choices for characters, such as talents and feats, along with expanded uses for character skills found in the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition core rulebook.

*A mechanic for improving and enhancing starships.

*This supplement requires the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition core rulebook for both players and Gamemasters.

