Pilot proving grounds

Simulators, known as pilot proving grounds, were utilized by the Alliance to Restore the Republic as a means of educating new pilots in areas such as speed, targeting, and overall skill.

During the initial stages of the Galactic Civil War, the primary pilot proving ground involved novice Rebels navigating a specially designed section of space. This area featured metal platforms arranged to resemble a corridor. Pilots were tasked with correctly passing through a sequence of doorways, ensuring none were missed. As the levels progressed, simulated turrets were introduced to test the pilot's targeting skills while maintaining speed. This training course was commonly known as "The Maze." To obtain a flight badge for a specific ship, pilots needed to successfully complete eight levels, thereby demonstrating their proficiency.

The Verpine provided the Rebels with the ring technology, which they originally employed in the Vergesso Asteroids.

Following the Battle of Hoth, Rebel pilots started to use a salvage yard as an additional proving ground. This involved navigating a course constructed from rings that formed a corridor, and which also provided temporary speed enhancements. Furthermore, some exercises required pilots to fly through an asteroid. Ched Varga is one pilot who is known to have died while attempting a particularly hazardous level.

