The Dagoyan Masters, also known as the Dagoyan Order, represented a group of Force-sensitive individuals. Their focus centered on the understanding and balance of the universe. Through their involvement in the Bahk-tov Council, they participated in the planetary governance of Bardotta—the original homeworld for the Bardottan species located within the Colonies region of the galaxy.
The Dagoyan Order followed a tradition emphasizing asceticism and meditation. They aimed to cultivate a deep, personal link with the Force. The Dagoyans embraced a detached connection to the Force, avoiding the light and dark sides. They refrained from using it as a tool to manipulate the physical realm, thereby steering clear of morally objectifying the Force. Constant training and meditation were central to the Order's practices. On Bardotta, the Order instructed force sensitives to apply the Force for educational purposes and to embrace nonviolence.
The Dagoyan tradition had a broad following among ordinary people who sought to establish their own connection with the Force. All Bardottans received instruction at a Dagoyan school, and meditation was an integral part of every citizen's life. The average Bardottan, serving the planet as artisans and sculptors, was encouraged to embrace the Order's principles, although participation remained entirely voluntary and not seen as mandatory.
The monastic aspect of the Order included mystics who adhered to strict asceticism and relied on alms and donations within the planet's towering monasteries, such as the Halsoun monastery. Mystics who dedicated their lives to meditation were granted the title of Master. The Dagoyan Masters, recognized as the Order's most powerful and wise members, were invited to advise the planet's governing bodies. With only a small number of Masters emerging in each generation, those who did not assume governmental duties were assigned to guide the next generation's education at various mystic communities worldwide.
The Dagoyan tradition and Bardotta's culture were deeply intertwined, making the Order both a religious and governmental entity on the planet. The Bahk-tov Council, Bardotta's governing council, was comprised of Dagoyan Masters and lay individuals who adhered to the Dagoyan tradition. The Council's leader, holding the title of king or queen, served as the official head of state. The Monarch of Bardotta represented the voice of the Council and the Order, but policy decisions required unanimous approval from the Council.
The Dagoyan Order was established during a period of constant warfare on Bardotta. It emerged from the militant Frangawl tradition, which had governed the planet through force and the dark side of the Force. After seizing governmental control through a series of brief conflicts, the Dagoyan Order outlawed the Frangawl tradition and firmly established itself within Bardottan culture. The Bahk-tov Council was created as a governing body consisting of Dagoyan Masters and, at times, lay people, and they elected a Monarch to serve as Bardotta's Head of State.
The relationship between the Dagoyan Order and the Jedi Order was strained, stemming from an early incident. When the Jedi attempted to bring Bardottan children into their order, the Bahk-tov Council viewed this as a violation of Bardotta's sovereignty. They demanded the children's return, threatening war if the Jedi refused. Upon the Jedi's compliance, the Dagoyan Order largely ceased contact with them for the following millennia. In 382 BBY, some Dagoyan masters were present as patrons at the Enlightenment tapbar in Jedha City on the Mid Rim moon Jedha, seated around a table within one of the bar's alcoves. Keth Cerepath noticed the group upon his arrival later that evening.
During the Clone Wars, a number of Dagoyan Masters were kidnapped by a resurgent Frangawl Cult, which triggered a spiritual crisis among the Bardottans. Queen Julia sought assistance from Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks, who was accompanied by Jedi Master Mace Windu. Despite the tension between the two Orders, Windu successfully addressed the attacks and rescued the Queen from being sacrificed by the cult, although several Dagoyan Council members perished.