Bardotta, a rather isolated planet, existed within the Bardotta system located in the Shasos sector of the galaxy's [Colonies](/article/colonies] area. This world was known for its art and music, created by its unassuming inhabitants, and was governed by a monarch. This ruler relied on the Dagoyan Order for guidance, a group celebrated for their spiritual insights and mystical practices.

Situated along the Giju Run, Bardotta was a tranquil world inhabited by the Bardottan people. The planet was characterized by its striking scenery, with mountain ranges, temperate seas, and abundant forests that attracted some travelers to this small world. Despite its lush environment, Bardotta lacked a diverse range of wildlife. The world experienced a cold climate due to its far distance from its sun, and its gravity was slightly less than average. The laws of the planet were few, but those who broke them faced immediate exile as punishment. Visitors to Bardotta would find that its markets were full of different types of art, including Bardottan silk tapestries and textiles. The trading of these goods was heavily regulated within the world. With the exception of smugglers dealing in antiquities, organized crime was virtually nonexistent on Bardotta. This particular form of smuggling was considered a profound betrayal, and those caught faced harsh consequences, including facial branding before being banished.
Around 6000 BBY, civilization began on Bardotta with the rise of the Frangawl, who controlled a militaristic society. The Frangawl, who meditated before battles, harnessed the dark side of the Force to fuel their fierce wars, driven by a battle rage. As skilled artisans, the Frangawl constructed imposing structures adorned with animal sculptures and other motifs, carving temples and other buildings from solid rock across the planet's landscape. For four millennia, war raged across Bardotta until approximately 2000 BBY, when the Dagoyan Order gained control after a series of strategically successful small wars. The Dagoyan tradition, which emphasized deep meditation during times of peace, unlocked profound insights into the Force and ultimately rose to a position of authority.
Once the Dagoyan Masters had complete control of Bardotta's government, the Frangawl Cult was outlawed, and its practitioners gradually died out and disappeared. The remaining Frangawl temples were draped in prayer flags and repurposed into Dagoyan meditation and contemplation sites. With the Dagoyan Order's theocratic monarchy firmly in place, Bardotta established connections with the wider galaxy, while avoiding the Galactic Republic and the politics of civilized space. Maintaining neutrality in galactic affairs, the Dagoyan Order briefly collaborated with the Jedi Order, who took Bardottan children to train as Jedi. However, the Dagoyan Masters strongly opposed this practice, considering it abduction, which prompted the Jedi to return the children and cease recruiting from Bardotta.
By 382 BBY, the Ikkrukkian Jedi Master Porter Engle participated in a five-day siege on Bardotta, earning him the title "The Blade of Bardotta." In that year, Axel Greylark, the son of Supreme Chancellor Kyong Greylark, arrived on Bardotta aboard his starship, the Eventide, after departing the Republic capital of Coruscant and went to a cantina. In doing so, he ignored his mother's request to immediately assist the people of Eiram and E'ronoh and oversee negotiations for her. After his visit to Bardotta, he traveled to Lorta.
During the Clone Wars, specifically in 19 BBY, Queen Julia of the Bardottan people contacted the Galactic Senate to report the disappearance of several trusted spiritual advisors and requested the assistance of Representative Jar Jar Binks to investigate. Binks was accompanied by Jedi Master Mace Windu, though the Master excluded Binks from key meetings on the matter. During a meeting with Binks, the queen was kidnapped, prompting Windu to launch an investigation into the underground caves beneath the Royal Palace.
The Jedi discovered active Frangawl cultists in the caves and rescued the Queen just before she was to be sacrificed. The sacrifice was to steal her life force through the Bardottan Sphere. This power was intended for Mother Talzin of the Nightsisters, but she was defeated. The Jedi Order and the Dagoyan Order repaired their relationship and sought to continue their mutual respect. Despite this agreement, when the Jedi Order was destroyed at the end of the Clone Wars, the Dagoyan Order acknowledged the Galactic Empire's authority to avoid imperial scrutiny.
The Bardottans were peaceful and contemplative, often aloof and introspective, and they tended to remain within their mountainside monasteries and temples. While every Bardottan received a Dagoyan education, not all were members of the Order. Meditation was a crucial aspect of every Bardottan's life, even for those who left their home planet. While most Bardottans adhered to the traditions and teachings of the Dagoyan, participation was not a mandatory aspect of their society.
The planet Bardotta was named by writer Jonathan W. Rinzler after the French artist Brigitte Bardot.
According to the map preview of the galaxy from Star Wars: Timelines, Bardotta is listed in K-13, which differs from Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon issue 69.