Wookiee council

The primary governing structure for the Wookiee species inhabiting the planet of Kashyyyk was the Wookiee council, also known as the central Wookiee government. Prior to the Czerka Corporation's arrival in 4020 BBY, who then colonized the planet and gave it the name Edean, this government had evolved to a sophisticated level. Following the forced departure of the corporation from the world in 3956 BBY, Kashyyyk flourished and joined the Galactic Republic.

Senator Yarua declined an invitation for Kashyyyk to become part of the Confederacy of Independent Systems in 22 BBY. This secessionist group was engaged in the Clone Wars against the Republic. Despite multiple Separatist invasions of the colonized moon Alaris Prime, the central government also refused to allow Republic military bases to be established on Kashyyyk.

In 4 ABY, Chewbacca and Han Solo assisted in the reconstruction of the Wookiee Government Tree on Kashyyyk, in order to facilitate aid from the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

