Battle on Alaris

A conflict on the satellite Alaris Prime, which orbits the planet moon, was started by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the period known as the Clone Wars. This occurred not long after the First Battle of Geonosis.

Beginning Events

Not long after the Republic suffered a loss at Raxus Prime, the CIS captured both Anakin Skywalker and the smuggler Bera Kazan. They were subsequently transported to Alaris Prime, a moon of Kashyyyk. Once there, Count Dooku gave Cydon Prax the order to activate the Force Harvester. This device was intended to obliterate the planet's forests and kill all living beings within range.

The Confrontation

Anakin and Bera successfully broke free, utilizing stolen STAPs. They also freed other captives, mainly Wookiees. Bera had connections with some Wookiees residing in nearby villages. Consequently, they acquired a pair of maru and, under the cover of darkness, infiltrated a Separatist communications hub. Employing a commandeered Armored Assault Tank, the pair advanced deeper into the base. Anakin then made contact with the Galactic Republic before escaping the base.

The following day, Anakin and Bera, accompanied by a contingent of Wookiee warriors, awaited the arrival of Republic forces. The Confederacy launched a brutal assault on the village, destroying several dwellings. However, Anakin, Bera, and the Wookiee soldiers managed to delay the droid forces long enough for the Republic Army to arrive. They did this by setting up explosive traps that caused loosened rocks to fall on enemy Homing Spider Droids and triggering them, which significantly hampered the droid advance.

Soon after, a substantial force of clone troopers and tanks arrived via an Acclamator-class assault ship and joined the battle. They successfully repelled numerous droids and decimated the majority of the enemy force. Subsequently, Kenobi and Skywalker eliminated the remaining Separatist forces and destroyed a massive assault craft known as the Harbinger, which led to the Separatists' withdrawal.

