Wookiee village (Alaris Prime)

A conflict unfolded at a Wookiee village situated on Alaris Prime, pitting Wookiee insurgents, Jedi Anakin Skywalker, and his comrade Bera Kazan against the Separatist military. The arrival of Republic troops later in the battle resulted in the defeat of the initial Separatist assaults, driving them back to their starting location.


The village was located on a slight elevation that gave a view of a cluster of trees, with multiple paths leading to various distant valleys. A total of seven circular wooden dwellings were clustered together, accompanied by smaller outbuildings in close proximity. The Wookiee residents kept domesticated maru within their community.


During the Dark Reaper crisis, the village was attacked by successive waves of STAPs, AATs, GATs, HAGs, and spider walkers. Skywalker, along with Bera Kazan, aided in the defense of the village, with Wookiees employing maru equipped with bowcaster mounts. The village sustained only minor damage as a result of the engagement.

