Ground Armored Tank

The Ground Armored Tank (GAT), a lightly armored vehicle, saw action early in the Clone Wars as a creation of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. It faced off against the Republic's TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank.


This war machine was equipped with a pair of medium laser cannons along with two missile launchers. Baktoid Armor Workshop manufactured it, and similar to other Separatist vehicles, the GAT was piloted using an integrated droid brain. Despite its versatility, the GAT shined as a reconnaissance and rapid-strike vehicle because of its minimal armor plating.


The Ground Armored Tank

The Ground Armored Tank was utilized extensively in the initial stages of the Clone Wars, notably during the Dark Reaper crisis, where it fought beside the larger Armored Assault Tank. Its thin armor was offset by its speed, making it ideal for quick strikes and retreats. It often operated in tandem with the Single Trooper Aerial Platform. They saw action during the Battle of Tirahnn.

After Darth Vader, Darth Sidious's new apprentice, eliminated the Separatist Council, these GAT units were deactivated.

