The Battle of Tirahnn was an engagement that transpired on the planet of Tirahnn during the period known as the Clone Wars.
During the era of the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems seized control of Tirahnn, a planet situated along the Perlemian Trade Route. This action disrupted the Galactic Republic's crucial supply lines in that sector. Some months later, the Republic resolved to reclaim the planet and dispatched a task force under the leadership of Jedi Master Ezar Elasra to accomplish this objective. The Separatists had deployed a fleet to defend the world, leading Elasra to conclude that a direct assault would result in significant casualties. Instead, he devised an alternate strategy: dispatching a strike team to reactivate a planetary ion cannon located on Tirahnn and then launching a surprise attack against the Separatist fleet. With a substantial portion of the fleet incapacitated, Elasra's fleet would then enter the system and engage the remaining CIS vessels before initiating a ground offensive to retake the planet.
Elasra summoned a group of Republic operatives to his Venator-class Star Destroyer, named the Solidarity, and tasked them with reactivating the ion cannon. The operatives were to be transported to Tirahnn aboard a LAAT/s, accompanied by 6 clone troopers and 4 clone commandos. While the operatives worked to reactivate the cannon, positioned in the planet's capital city, Tirahnn, the troopers were assigned to guard the transport, and the commandos were tasked with infiltrating and sabotaging the primary Separatist base on the planet.

The troopers, commandos, and operatives departed from the main task force in the LAAT/s and journeyed towards Tirahnn. The vessel successfully navigated the CIS blockade undetected, but adverse weather conditions forced it to make a crash landing on the planet's surface. A freed roggwart, a hazardous creature originating from the planet Vendaxa, attacked the survivors of the crash, seeking sustenance. The troopers eliminated the creature, removed its remains, and concealed the evidence of the battle and the trail left by the crashed LAAT/s.
Subsequently, the troops began preparations for their respective assignments. The commandos disembarked and assembled their BARC speeder bikes, and Commander Husk, the leader of the commando unit, provided the operatives with a holoprojector containing a map of the surrounding area. He also informed the operatives that if they departed immediately, they would reach the city shortly before dawn, facilitating their ability to evade the CIS sentries stationed there. The clone troopers unloaded as much equipment as they could carry and set off to establish a nearby encampment, where they could remain until the Republic launched its ground assault on Tirahnn. Finally, one of the commandos rigged the dropship with explosives and detonated it to prevent the CIS from acquiring any sensitive information.
After reaching the capital city, the operatives commenced their search for Commander Zolghast, the commander of the Separatist forces on Tirahnn, as he was the sole individual with access to the ion cannon's firing codes. They discovered the location of the bunker where he was located and, after assaulting the facility, captured Zolghast and obtained a code cylinder containing the firing codes. The operatives also uncovered a secret tunnel connecting the bunker to a concealed entrance to the ion cannon. They proceeded to the entrance and, upon entering, engaged a number of battle droids guarding the facility. Ultimately, they located the control center, entered the firing codes, and activated the cannon, which commenced firing upon the Separatist fleet, marking the beginning of the battle.
Concurrently with the operatives' efforts to activate the ion cannon, the commandos had also achieved considerable success in their mission, successfully sabotaging the Confederacy's vehicle depot.

As soon as the ion cannon initiated its barrage, Master Elasra's fleet emerged from hyperspace in close proximity to the planet, commencing its assault on the Separatist fleet. The Confederacy responded by deploying a squad of droids to plant explosives on the ion cannon's roof and destroy it, prompting the operatives to intervene and prevent their success.
Republic forces began landing on Tirahnn and encountered minimal resistance, owing to the commandos' sabotage efforts. However, a small contingent of Separatist tanks had survived and began advancing through Tirahnn city towards the Republic troops. Approximately 30 minutes after the battle's commencement, the crew of the Solidarity contacted the operatives and instructed them to connect the cannon's main computer to the Solidarity to enable remote control of the weapon from the ship. Elasra then communicated with the operatives via a hologram and informed them that the Separatist tanks were likely to reach the Republic troops before artillery could be deployed to counter them. He then tasked the operatives with attaching homing beacons to each tank, enabling the Republic fleet to target them from orbit. Elasra also dispatched a group of clone troopers to retrieve Zolghast from the operatives and transport him to the Solidarity.
The operatives ambushed the tank formation, comprising four Ground Armored Tanks defended by battle droids on Single Trooper Aerial Platforms. The ambush proved successful, and the Solidarity unleashed its firepower on the tanks, obliterating them all. The battle's momentum began to shift in favor of the Republic, and the clone commandos successfully severed one of the Separatists' primary escape routes. Subsequently, Husk contacted the operatives via comlink and requested that they eliminate the Confederacy's secondary escape route by destroying a bridge.
Aboard the Solidarity, Elasra departed the ship in a Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor to lead a squadron of V-19 Torrent starfighters in the space battle. However, simultaneously, the Confederacy dispatched the Clawdite spy Braxus Lyn to rescue Zolghast before his transfer to the Solidarity and extract him from the warzone. Lyn disguised herself as Elasra and liberated Zolghast, then began preparing her shuttle for their departure from the planet. One of the clone commanders grew suspicious, recalling his participation in the Battle of Brentaal IV, where Jedi Master Quinlan Vos had defected to the Confederacy. He suspected that Elasra was following a similar path and dispatched the operatives to prevent Zolghast's escape.
The Battle of Tirahnn was created for the Wizards of the Coast source book Galaxy at War, where it was featured as a role-playing scenario titled Operation First Breach.