Commander Zolghast, a Zygerrian male, served the Confederacy of Independent Systems as a leader during the Clone Wars.
On the planet of Tirahnn, Zolghast commanded the Separatist military forces, operating from a concealed bunker within the world's capital city, also named Tirahnn. To safeguard him, he was assigned two Geonosian protectors, and he also possessed a Porax-38 starfighter as his designated starship. When the Galactic Republic devised a strategy to reclaim the planet, they dispatched a group of operatives with the objective of seizing control of a planetary ion cannon. Given that Zolghast alone possessed the authorization codes for the cannon's operation, the agents infiltrated his bunker and successfully apprehended him. Soon after, the Republic's primary attack commenced, and a squad of clone troopers was dispatched to retrieve Zolghast for transport to the Venator-class Star Destroyer named Solidarity.
The Separatists dispatched Braxus Lyn, a Clawdite, with the mission of liberating Zolghast and evacuating him from the combat zone. Lyn adopted the disguise of Jedi Master Ezar Elasra, enabling her to gain custody of the Zygerrian. Subsequently, she accompanied him to a Sheathipede-class transport shuttle and began preparing it for their departure from the planet. However, before their escape, the Republic agents launched an assault, attempting to recapture Zolghast.