Porax-38 starfighter

The Porax-38 (P-38) starfighter, utilized by the Utapauns within the Utapau Skyforce, was a resilient starfighter equipped with a hyperdrive. The Confederacy of Independent Systems adapted some of these models into the Rogue-class starfighter series.


Side view of a P-38

Boasting interstellar travel capabilities, the Porax-38 incorporated highly effective, long-range sensor arrays, providing advanced warning of approaching threats. Each sensor, along with its scanning systems, was situated in a forward-facing cone and linked to potent jamming systems. These substantial P-38 fighters were also capable of making independent hyperspace jumps, enabling them to defend Utapau deep within the Tarabba sector. Its versatile thrusters, dual-reactor configuration, and high-capacity deflector shielding made it a valuable asset to the Loyalist forces. The ship employed a deflector shield projector web instead of a solitary shield generator. This web encompassed a large portion of the ship and integrated numerous individual heat sink cells.

The extended operational range of these spacecraft allowed them to withstand significant damage and undertake longer, more demanding missions compared to smaller, fleet-based fighters such as the Confederacy's Vulture droid fighters and droid tri-fighters and the Republic's V-wings and Eta-2s.

Buuper Torsckil Abbey Devices manufactured the Porax-38, which required only one pilot who was required to wear a protective breathing mask. It carried enough consumables for twenty days of air, fuel, and sustenance. Its main weapons consisted of two high-power laser cannons. Each laser cannon is attached to a beam-amplification chamber, which significantly boosts the laser's intensity and heat damage output. The fighter's compact cockpit was designed to accommodate only a short, stocky Utai, rather than a tall Pau'ans. Select Porax-38s had their cockpits modified to accommodate an IG-100 MagnaGuard.


Air Commodore Senin Vant piloting a P-38

The Utapaun fleet primarily comprised self-made vessels, and their largest Rendili Dreadnought was only about 20% the size of a Trade Federation battleship. Instead, the Utapauns leaned heavily on their P-38s as their main defense for their planet. During the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems seized several Porax-38 starfighters and modified them, leading to the development of the Rogue-class starfighter series.

Zolghast, a commander within the CIS, also possessed a Porax-38, which he stationed on Tirahnn during the Separatist occupation. However, Republic forces captured it during the Battle of Tirahnn.

In the final year of the war, General Grievous's forces launched an invasion of Utapau. Tion Medon, who was the Master of Utapau Port Administration, ordered his outnumbered but valuable P-38s into hiding. His plan was for the existence of these ships and their skilled pilots to remain a secret until a more opportune moment arose to strike against the Separatist's overwhelming power.

When Republic forces, under the command of Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi, arrived, Tion recalled his P-38s from their concealed hangars and assigned them to drive out the Separatist forces. The Utapau Skyforce squadron that engaged the Techno Union light interceptors upon Obi-Wan's arrival was commanded by Air Commodore Senin Vant, who was an Utai.

Behind the scenes

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Incredible Cross-Sections states that the P-38 has a maximum atmospheric speed of 61,000 km/h, but Starship Battles Preview 6, published later, indicates a speed of 1,200 km/h. Furthermore, the former publication lists the consumables rating as 20 days, while the latter specifies only 2 days.

The P-38 shares several traits with the real-world Lockheed P-38 Lightning, a fighter aircraft from World War II. Besides sharing the same designation/model number, the Porax-38 also features a similar design: the engines are in twin booms on the wings, and the cockpit is in a centrally-mounted nacelle. Like the Lightning, the Porax-38 could also be considered a "heavy" fighter because of its durability and firepower.

The starfighter was added to the film late in production, and although a digital model was created, it was never finished to the level that was originally intended.

The episode guide for the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode Duel of the Droids calls Rogue-class starfighters "P-38 fighters."

