
Commander Husk, a clone commando, fought in the Clone Wars.


Husk led Aurek Squad, a squad consisting of four clone commandos. During the Clone Wars period, Husk and his squad journeyed to the planet of Tirahnn aboard a LAAT/s to execute a preparatory mission for an upcoming Republic assault. Their arrival on the planet went unnoticed by the Separatist fleet in orbit, however, unexpected weather conditions forced them to crash-land. Subsequently, they faced an attack from a roggwart, which they successfully eliminated.

Following this, Husk and the commandos utilized BARC speeders to accomplish their main goal: the sabotage of the primary CIS vehicle depot located on the planet. Soon after, the Republic launched its main attack, and Husk, along with his fellow commandos, successfully obstructed the primary escape route for the Confederacy forces. Subsequently, he employed his comlink to communicate with a group of Republic operatives, requesting them to destroy a bridge, thereby blocking a secondary escape path.


  • Galaxy at War (First mentioned)

Notes and references
