Cydon Prax

Cydon Prax, a reptilian Chistori male, operated as a bounty hunter. He was in the service of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, functioning as a bodyguard during the initial days of the Clone Wars. After the death of Jango Fett, another mercenary, Prax stepped into the role of personal enforcer for Count Dooku in 22 BBY.

In the month following the First Battle of Geonosis, with the help of smuggler Bera Kazan, Prax made a discovery: the remains of the Force Harvester, an ancient piece of technology buried on the planet Raxus Prime. Dooku then had this weapon moved to the Kashyyyk system. He instructed Prax to test it out on Alaris Prime, a [forest](/article/forest/legends] moon that was the home to a Wookiee population. This would allow the Separatists to measure the effects and scope of the Harvester's life force draining capability. Following this, Prax went to the planet Thule with the Separatists. Dooku, now satisfied with the results of the experiment, transformed the Harvester into a power source for the Dark Reaper superweapon.

Jedi General Mace Windu, understanding that the Dark Reaper was an existential threat to both the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order, took charge of the Grand Army of the Republic's invasion of Thule. During the conflict, while Dooku was being evacuated, Prax engaged Jedi Commander Anakin Skywalker in the old Sith ruins of Kesiak. Despite Prax's attempts to eliminate the young Jedi Padawan, the Chistori bounty hunter was killed in the battle, enabling Skywalker to fulfill his mission by destroying the Dark Reaper.


Cydon Prax unearthed the ancient Force Harvester with the help of Bera Kazan.

Cydon Prax, a male Chistori, made a name for himself during the Clone Wars as a distinguished soldier within the Confederacy of Independent Systems. This secessionist group initiated a civil war against the Galactic Republic around 22 BBY. The Sith Lord Darth Tyranus, more widely recognized as Count Dooku, lost his most reliable associate when Jango Fett, the Mandalorian bounty hunter, was beheaded by Jedi Master Mace Windu's lightsaber during the first engagement of the war. Dooku acted quickly to replace the deceased mercenary with Cydon Prax in the same year that Fett met his end on Geonosis.

As Dooku's new bodyguard, Prax was tasked with carrying out several missions that the Count deemed crucial for the Separatist cause. He was also given responsibility for the young Boba Fett, an unaltered clone of Jango Fett whom the latter had raised as his own son. However, Prax proved to be an inadequate replacement for the orphan's deceased father.

Cydon Prax went with Count Dooku to Raxus Prime, where the Separatists unearthed the remains of the Force Harvester, a key component for rebuilding the ancient superweapon known as the Dark Reaper. A detachment of the Grand Army of the Republic attacked the planet, and while the battle ended in a stalemate, Dooku and Prax managed to escape with Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker in pursuit. Skywalker confronted the Count alone in a brief lightsaber duel, but Prax incapacitated him with the stun setting on his heavy blaster pistol.

After the Force Harvester was fully reconstructed on Alaris Prime, a forested moon orbiting the planet Alaris within the Kashyyyk system, Cydon Prax activated the device under Count Dooku's orders. Dooku wanted to observe its effects on Force-sensitives like Skywalker. Prax then evacuated the area immediately after activating the Harvester, as it was designed to kill all living beings in close proximity. Despite this, Skywalker managed to escape the weapon's blast radius with assistance from Bera Kazan, a former Separatist mercenary who had helped Prax locate the Harvester before being betrayed and used as a test subject for the machine.

Prax replaced the late Jango Fett as Count Dooku's bodyguard and enforcer.

The crisis reached its peak during the Battle of Thule, as Count Dooku and Cydon Prax supervised the final stages of the new Dark Reaper superweapon's construction. Amidst the conflict between Republic clone troopers and Separatist battle droids, Prax entered the fray in his personal Dreadnought battle tank. Although he destroyed Mace Windu's TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank, the Jedi Master survived the destruction of his vehicle and continued to lead the Republic forces on the front lines. In the meantime, Prax rejoined Dooku in the ancient Sith city of Kesiak, which also served as the capital of Thule, where the Dark Reaper was housed.

When Anakin Skywalker led a division of clone units into the city while piloting his own TX-130 tank, Count Dooku instructed Cydon Prax to confront and eliminate the young Jedi before departing the planet. A battle then broke out between Prax and Skywalker, culminating in the latter's victory and the destruction of Prax's Dreadnaught battle tank, which ended the Chistori mercenary's life. With the Dark Reaper destroyed, the Republic claimed victory on Thule.

Personality and traits

Cydon Prax was known to be a heartless, unemotional individual and a deadly soldier on the battlefield. His ruthless nature hindered his ability to raise Boba Fett in Jango Fett's stead, making him an unsuitable father figure. It also made him indifferent to mass murder, as he had no reservations about using the Force Harvester's deadly energies on Alaris Prime, a moon inhabited by a variety of life forms, including Wookiee settlers. His complete lack of morals also meant that he was unconcerned with acts of treachery, such as when he betrayed and imprisoned Bera Kazan shortly after she assisted him in the Separatists' search for the Force Harvester.

Besides his skills as an elite trooper and marksman, Cydon Prax was a skilled pilot who could hold his own in battle against highly skilled Jedi like Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker. As a Chistori, Prax was a cold-blooded reptile, a trait that contributed to his reputation as a mercenary with a "heart of ice." His other physical characteristics included square teeth and a crown of horns around the base of his skull.


Cydon Prax's Dreadnaught battle tank

During the Clone Wars, Cydon Prax wore a full suit of armor, similar to that of his predecessor Jango Fett, which concealed his [alien](/article/alien-legends] appearance. While Prax's armor was not of Mandalorian design, its most notable feature was a blaster mounted on the left shoulder, which was likely automated. Other features of the armor included a system that maintained Prax's body temperature at a constant level in any environment.

Given his piloting skills, Prax owned a personal starfighter for aerial combat. However, his primary vehicle was a Dreadnought battle tank, heavily armed with laser cannons, mass-driver cannons, concussion missiles, and a plasma pulse discharger.

Behind the scenes

André Sogliuzzo provided the voice for Cydon Prax in the video game Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

In Boba Fett: Crossfire, Prax is described as having square teeth and a crown of horns. No other known Chistori exhibits these characteristics. Cydon Prax also lacks a large snout like Desann, as the shape of his helmet reflects a human-like skull.

