Dreadnought battle tank

The Dreadnought battle tank, a colossal armored vehicle, was fabricated for the mercenary Cydon Prax by Count Dooku.


Its armament comprised laser cannons, concussion missiles, and a plasma pulse discharger. The missiles were propelled from mass-driver cannons, akin to those equipped on the LAAT/i gunships.

Featuring substantial armor plating, it ranked among the largest hovertanks, with only the Protodeka and the Seismic tank exceeding it in size.


Prax deployed the vehicle in the Battle of Thule, where he succeeded in obliterating Mace Windu's Saber-class fighter tank near the capital city (although the Jedi Master survived). Subsequently, during the same battle, Anakin Skywalker, piloting his own fighter tank, advanced to eliminate the Dark Reaper. Prax confronted the young Jedi Knight, but met his demise when Skywalker annihilated his Dreadnought.

