The Protodeka functioned as an enormous mobile weapons platform, utilizing repulsorlift technology. This platform, equipped with both rapid-firing, heavy turbolasers and high-velocity seeker missile launchers, was a formidable weapon. Constructed by the Geonosians, it was intended as a mobile ground siege unit, and it also featured a seismic wave emitter capable of affecting an area extending 10 meters.
The Protodeka saw combat during the battles of Raxus Prime and Thule. On these planets, they were deployed to defend both Count Dooku and the ancient Sith city of Kesiak, which housed the Dark Reaper. Ultimately, Obi-Wan Kenobi destroyed one on Raxus Prime, while Mace Windu and Luminara Unduli defeated the Protodekas on Thule. In each victory, the TX-130 Saber-class fighter tanks played a crucial role against the droid tank.
Although designed to shift the balance of power toward the Confederacy, the Protodeka's high production cost limited its construction to only a small number of units. After the Dark Reaper campaign concluded, the Colicoid engineer responsible for the Protodeka's design was imprisoned within the Fortress of Axion.
Following the elimination of the Separatist Council by Darth Sidious's new apprentice, Darth Vader, all remaining Protodeka units were deactivated.