Council of Meditation

The Council of Meditation represented a Jedi Council within the Jedi Order. This council was active during the reign of the Galactic Emperor and Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Krayt and his Galactic Empire. During the Second Imperial Civil War, the Council of Meditation gathered within the Order's clandestine Hidden Temple located on Taivas.


Amidst the Second Imperial Civil War, the Council of Meditation was one of at least three separate Jedi Councils that were in operation. This war saw the Galactic Alliance Remnant in conflict with the Empire led by the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Krayt. After the devastating massacre at the academy on Ossus and the subsequent seizure of the Temple on Coruscant, the Jedi Order found refuge on the planet Taivas. Here, a secret Temple had been prepared in anticipation of another purge.

Within this concealed sanctuary, the Council of Meditation was established. It consisted of Jedi Masters who sought guidance from the Force through deep meditation in an effort to understand its will. In 138 ABY, Cade Skywalker voiced his conviction to the Jedi High Council that Darth Krayt had survived an assassination attempt carried out by his second-in-command, Darth Wyyrlok. Consequently, the High Council consulted the Council of Meditation, inquiring whether Darth Krayt had indeed lived, posing a threat to the galaxy. The Council members were unable to definitively confirm the Sith Lord's survival, but they pledged to continue their meditations on the matter at the urging of Master Wolf Sazen.

